Ability Books

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Ability Books Are drops from Combat that allow you to learn weapon abilities, Offensive/Defensive Spells, Buffs/Debuffs etc. That you can equip to your characters/mercenaries no matter what equipment you use.

Ability Type Cost Targets Cooldown Description Status Effects Damage Stats Accuracy Stats Drops In
Taunt Taunt Melee Buff N/A Self 25s Taunts the enemy, significantly increasing your threat level Gain 40 Stacks of Taunting 8 de/buff

Melee splash.png(1x%)

Melee splash.png(1x%)

Melee Auto Attack Melee Auto Attack Melee N/A Enemy None A completely standard melee attack that benefits from no particular style or Skill N/A

Melee splash.png(1x%)

Melee splash.png(1x%)

Bandage Friendly Bandage Friendly Melee Buff Nature Rune x 1 Lowest HP Member 30s Bandage the lowest HP member of your party to heal them for 300 health over 15 seconds Heals 20HP 15 times with a delay of 1s for a total of 300HP

Melee splash.png(1x%)

Melee splash.png(1x%)

Crush Crush Melee NA Enemy None Use the weight of your weapon to crush your target N/A

Melee splash.png(1x%), Crush splash.png(1.5x%)

Melee splash.png(1x%), Crush splash.png(1.5x%)

Acid Splash Acid Splash Magic Nature Rune x 1 Enemy 10s Splash an enemy with acid, heavily reducing their defenses A 90% chance to apply 4 stacks of a Corrosion 3 de/buff

Magic splash.png(1x%), Nature splash.png(1.5x%)

Melee splash.png(1x%), Nature splash.png(1.5x%)

Acid Wave Acid Wave Magic Nature Rune x 2 AOE Enemy 3 Targets 10s Splash an enemy with acid, heavily reducing their defenses A 75% chance to apply 3 stacks of a Corrosion 3 de/buff

Magic splash.png(1x%), Nature splash.png(1.5x%)

Melee splash.png(1x%), Nature splash.png(1.5x%)
