Chat Commands

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Collection of common chat commands that every player can use as long as they have the requirements

Shortcut to get here from the game: "/wiki Chat Commands"

Help commands

These commands help you find out about the game, it's mechanics, or takes you to the discord to ask people about anything!

Command Explanation Aliases usage example
/help Describes all available commands for the user to use /saveme, /ohgodhelpme, /imlost, /helpme /help [command] /help help
/wiki Takes you to the wiki /wiki [page] /wiki Chat Commands
/discord Takes you to the discord /discord /discord
/guide Takes you to the started guides /wiki Getting Started /guide /guide
/rules Takes you to the rules /rules /rules

Chat & Social Commands

Commands to enhance your chatting & social experience

General Chat & Social commands

Most common chat commands. Throwing snowballs at nick is recommended.

Command Explanation Aliases usage example Collapse
/accountcreated Check how old you are /age /accountcreated /accountcreated
/befriend Add a player to your friendlist /addfriend, /friend /befriend [username] /befriend Gameboyatron
/block Block a player /block [username] /block INFO
/me Speak in the third person /me [words] /me thinks Gameboyatron is the best!
/profile Edits your whois profile /editprofile /profile [cosmetics / icons] [add / wipe]
/shrug ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
/throw Throw a snowball to someone's face /throw [username] /throw Nickmillion
/unfriend Unfriend a player /unfriend [username] /unfriend INFO
/whisper Start a new private conversation with someone /pm, /w /whisper [username] [message] /whisper Habs Can I get a loan?
/whois Lookup a user's character profile /inspect /whois [username] /whois Gameboyatron

Channel Commands

Commands to use as a member of a channel.

Command Explanation Aliases usage example
/channel help Lists channel commands /channel help [optional command] /channel help, /channel help join
/channel join Join a channel /channel join [channel] {{!}} [optional password] /channel join INFOCLUB | weloveinfo
/channel leave Leave a channel /channel leave [channel] /channel leave INFOCLUB
/channel blocklist Lists all users currently blocked from this channel /channel blocklist /channel blocklist
/channel password Lists all users currently blocked from this channel /channel password /channel password
/channel mods Lists all current moderators of the channel /channel moderators /channel mods /channel mods

Channel Commands - Channel Moderator Only

Commands to use as a channel moderator

Command Explanation Aliases usage example
/channel kick Remove a user from the channel /channel kick [username] /channel kick INFO
/channel block Blocks a user from joining the channel, and kicks them if they are already joined. /channel block [username] /channel block INFO
/channel unblock Unblocks a user from the channel /channel unblock [username] /channel unblock Gameboyatron

Channel Commands - Channel Owner Only

Commands to use as a channel owner

Command Explanation Aliases usage example
/channel password Sets a new password /channel password [password] /channel password weloveinfo
/channel ownership Passes ownership of the channel. Will automatically set you to a moderator /channel ownership [username] /channel ownership Gameboyatron
/channel mod Give a user mod permissions /channel mod [username] /channel mod Gameboyatron
/channel demod Remove mod permissions from a user /channel demod [username] /channel demod Gameboyatron
/channel kick Remove a user from the channel /channel kick [username] /channel kick INFO
/channel block Blocks a user from joining the channel, and kicks them if they are already joined. /channel block [username] /channel block INFO
/channel unblock Unblocks a user from the channel /channel unblock [username] /channel unblock Gameboyatron
/channel create Create a channel / channel create [channel] |[optional password] / channel create INFOCLUB |weloveinfo
/channel delete Delete a channel. Only the owner of the channel may do this /channel delete [channel] /channel delete INFOCLUB

Game Commands

Commands below might fix bugs, provide extra function, or are alternatives to navigating the UI.

Command Explanation Aliases usage example Collapse
/autoeat Sets your auto-eat value /ae /autoeat [autoeat threshold, 0% to 100% or an HP value to set HP / MAX = %, e.g. 100/200 = 50%] /autoeat 50%
/burnabilitybooks Burns all ability books in your inventory. Also those that you could still learn! /burnability, /burnabilitybook /burnabilitybooks
/clearqueue Forcefully clears your action queue in case something is stuck/bugged /clearqueue /clearqueue
/clearstats Wipes the current stat tracking for your character
/collapseTab Collapses an inventory tab /collapse /collapse [tab # / global] /collapse global
/combatInfo Gets information about your current combat instance /bestiary, /combatinfo
/convertSeasonal Converts your seasonal character to event tokens. This can only be done once per seasonal character /convertSeasonal [character to convert] /convertSeasonal Gameboyatron
/dpsdummy For modifying the DPS dummy /dps /dpsdummy [add |remove|stat] [dummy count|stat] [stat value]
/fixInventory Attempt to fix inventory issues by restacking all items and removing legacy names from the stockpile. Check ALL inventories /fixinv
/maxdifficulty Sets your maximum combat difficulty /md /maxdifficulty [maxdifficulty value, 0 to 30] /maxdifficulty 10
/quest Attempts to resync quest progress in case of desyncs /quests, fixquests, resyncquests /quest /quest
/reloadui Requests a resync of current session state; does NOT reconstruct anything and will not interrupt gameplay /reload, /ui /reloadui /reloadui
/sellabilitybooks Sells all ability books in your inventory. Also those that you could still learn! /sellability, /sellabilitybook /sellabilitybooks
/selljunk Sells combat junk /selltrash /selljunk
/startdifficulty Sets your starting combat difficulty /sd /startdifficulty [startdifficulty value, 0 to 30] /startdifficulty 10
/useractionqueue Interactions with your user action queue /actionqueue, /queue /useractionqueue [add / remove / start / stop / get] [time (minutes) / index (starts at 0)]
/loadoutgen Generates a loadout based on the current action you are doing. /genloadout /loadoutgen [optional: combat Melee | Range | Magic]

Helpful tips

  • Hold ctrl and click on an item in inventory or gear to create a link to the item in the chat. This also works with skills and gold and heat.