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This page is about the skill. For the enchantment, see Fishing (Enchantment).
Fishing UI

Fishing is a gathering skill that allows players to catch fish and gather fibers, as well as materials used in crafting / augmenting mage gear. Fish can be prepared using the Cooking skill, while fibers are used in Cloth Weaving.

For players that want an in depth guide to fishing, one can be found here


Fishing was reworked and released in the v0.10.0 update, it received a massive overhaul and was the first gathering skill to use the node system. The node system increases the amount of gathering areas without increasing the amount of zones. The player starts fishing in a zone and nodes are chosen semi-randomly while fishing. The node type is primarily influenced by the players bonus rarity stat (visible in the panel on the left of the fishing screen), bait power and effective fishing level affect the nodes size and chance to succeed in searching for it, and reel power affects the chance to succeed in gathering an item and the time it takes to do so.

The caught fish can be prepared with the Cooking skill to create primarily Filleted Fish and Fish Oil, as well as some essences depending on the fish. These can be used to create food or buff potions. Different fish can provide different buffs, more information can be found on the Cooking page.

Fibers gathered through Fishing are used to weave cloth which can then be used to craft or augment mostly magic equipment for Combat.

Players have a small chance of obtaining either Sunken Treasures or Ancient Treasures while fishing. Ancient treasures have around a 9% chance to drop tool pieces such as Ancient Harpoon, Ancient Fishing Net and Ancient Fishing Rod which are used to craft Idlescape's first legendary tier tool, the Ocean's Embrace. Sunken treasures have a rare chance of dropping Modified Diving Gloves or Soul Fragments which are used in crafting soul weapons.


Bait can be used by clicking on it in your inventory and moving it into the tacklebox. This is separate from tacklebox equipment and can be used even without one equipped. Bait is used from the leftmost slot first and is an important way to increase your fishing stats. There is also a setting to automatically put acquired bait into the tacklebox if there is already a piece there.


Fishing equipment is used to boost your stats, increasing the chances of succeeding in fishing as well as decreasing the time needed. Wearing the Fisherman's Bucket Hat, Smock, and Waders together provides the player with a 15% stat buff, together with the Ocean's Embrace this rises to a 30% buff.

The Fisherman's skilling gear and Ocean's Embrace are both quest locked items. The fisherman's set can be crafted with Fishing Shards after completing "Fishing Set Quest" when it unlocks at level 50. After completing the "Legendary Tacklebox" you receive an Ocean's Embrace and unlock the crafting recipe.

Equipment Level Slot Fishing Level Bait Power Reel Power Bonus Rarity
(+Augment Bonus)
Novice Tacklebox Novice Tacklebox N/A Tacklebox 1 3 (+0.5) 15 (+1) 5 (+1) 0 (+0.5)
Basic Tacklebox Basic Tacklebox 10 2 6 (+1) 20 (+1.5) 10 (+2) 3 (+1)
Advanced Tacklebox Advanced Tacklebox 30 3 9 (+1.5) 25 (+2.5) 15 (+3) 6 (+1.5)
Pro Tacklebox Pro Tacklebox 40 4 12 (+2) 30 (+3.5) 20 (+4) 10 (+2)
Supreme Tacklebox Supreme Tacklebox 50 5 15 (+2.5) 35 (+4.5) 25 (+5) 15 (+3.5)
Ocean's Embrace Ocean's Embrace 80 8 60 (+6) 60 (+6) 60 (+6) 60 (+6)
Fisherman's Bucket Hat Fisherman's Bucket Hat N/A Helm 3Bait Preservation 0 (+1) 0 (+1) 0 (+1) 0 (+1)
Fisherman's Smock Fisherman's Smock N/A Body 3Reinforced Line 0 (+1) 0 (+1) 0 (+1) 0 (+1)
Fisherman's Waders Fisherman's Waders N/A Legs 3Pungent Bait 0 (+1) 0 (+1) 0 (+1) 0 (+1)


Bonus Rarity must be above the minimum rarity for nodes to appear and a further 10~25 rarity for rare resources to drop in meaningful amounts.

Nodes without a minimum rarity can appear at any point. Rarer nodes have an xp multiplier.

It is possible to get both type of fishing chests Sunken Treasure Sunken TreasureAncient Treasure Ancient Treasure from all zones.

Level Zone Exp Recommended Gear Min. Rarity Node Possible Loot XP Mult
1 Shallow Pond 20 Novice Tacklebox N/A The Shallow Pond Raw ShrimpRaw AnchovyRaw Magnetic MinnowSeaweedRotten DriftwoodAqueous Grass 1
Oop, All Shrimp! Raw Shrimp 1
Small Schools of Fish Raw AnchovyRaw Magnetic MinnowSeaweedRotten DriftwoodAqueous Grass 1.1
Drifting Around Raw AnchovySeaweedRotten DriftwoodAqueous Grass 1.1
Shallow Flora SeaweedAqueous GrassWater Weeds 1.2
20 Lazy River 30 Basic Tacklebox N/A The Lazy River Raw TroutRaw SalmonRaw Magnetic MinnowRaw TigerfishSeaweedRotten DriftwoodSturdy DriftwoodAqueous GrassWater Weeds 1
Migrating Schools Raw TroutRaw SalmonRaw Magnetic MinnowRaw TigerfishSeaweedRotten DriftwoodSturdy DriftwoodAqueous GrassWater Weeds 1
Riverbed Flora SeaweedAqueous GrassWater WeedsRiver Vines 1.3
25 ANGY Bois Raw TroutRaw SalmonRaw TigerfishRotten DriftwoodSturdy DriftwoodAquamarine 1.2
50 Still Lake 60 Advanced Tacklebox
Fishing equipment
N/A The Still Lake Raw LobsterRaw CrabRaw Magnetic MinnowRaw TigerfishRaw Slippery EelSeaweedRotten DriftwoodSturdy DriftwoodWater WeedsRiver Vines 1
Cage Match Raw LobsterRaw CrabRaw Ancient Lobster 1.1
Lake Flora SeaweedAqueous GrassWater WeedsRiver VinesViolet Ribbons 1.2
30 Big Catch! Raw LobsterRaw CrabRaw Ancient LobsterRaw TigerfishRaw Slippery EelAquamarine 1.2
75 Yedyod’s Cove Raw Ancient LobsterRaw CrabRaw TigerfishRaw Slippery EelSeaweedRotten DriftwoodSturdy DriftwoodAqueous GrassWater WeedsRiver VinesAquamarine 1.3
65 Open Ocean 90 Pro Tacklebox /
Supreme Tacklebox,
Fishing equipment
N/A The Open Ocean Raw TunaRaw SharkRaw Hammerhead SharkRaw Huge TunaRaw MegalodonRaw Great White SharkSeaweedRotten DriftwoodSturdy DriftwoodRiver VinesViolet RibbonsAquamarine 1
Carefree Day Raw TunaRaw Huge TunaSeaweedRotten DriftwoodSturdy DriftwoodMystical DriftwoodRiver VinesViolet RibbonsAquamarine 1.1
Sharks Ate All The Tuna Raw TunaRaw SharkRaw Hammerhead SharkRaw MegalodonRaw Great White SharkSeaweedRotten DriftwoodSturdy DriftwoodRiver VinesViolet Ribbons 1
Ocean Flora SeaweedAqueous GrassWater WeedsRiver VinesViolet RibbonsWhite Reeds 1.1
25 Shipwreck Bay Raw SharkRaw Hammerhead SharkRaw MegalodonRaw Great White SharkSeaweedRotten DriftwoodSturdy DriftwoodMystical DriftwoodRiver VinesViolet RibbonsAquamarine 1.1
50 Almost Jurassic Raw Hammerhead SharkRaw Huge TunaRaw MegalodonRaw Tentacle MeatRaw Great White SharkAquamarine 1.2
Playtester’s Paradise Raw Hammerhead SharkRaw MegalodonRaw Great White SharkMystical DriftwoodViolet RibbonsWhite ReedsAquamarine 1.2
75 Ghost Ship Raw SharkRaw Hammerhead SharkRaw MegalodonRaw Great White SharkSturdy DriftwoodMystical DriftwoodAquamarine 1.2
100 Is that a tentacle? Raw Hammerhead SharkRaw MegalodonRaw Tentacle MeatRaw Great White SharkMystical DriftwoodAquamarine 1.3
85 Stormy Seas 100 Supreme Tacklebox /
Ocean's Embrace,
Fishing equipment
N/A The Stormy Seas Raw TunaRaw SharkRaw Hammerhead SharkRaw Huge TunaRaw MegalodonRaw Great White SharkSeaweedRotten DriftwoodSturdy DriftwoodMystical DriftwoodViolet RibbonsWhite ReedsAquamarine 1
Eye of the Storm Raw TunaRaw SharkRaw Hammerhead SharkRaw Huge TunaRaw MegalodonRaw Great White SharkSeaweedRotten DriftwoodSturdy DriftwoodViolet RibbonsWhite ReedsAquamarine 1
Deep Sea Flora SeaweedAqueous GrassWater WeedsRiver VinesViolet RibbonsWhite ReedsAncient Kelp 1.1
50 World’s End Raw TunaRaw SharkRaw Hammerhead SharkRaw Huge TunaRaw MegalodonRaw Great White SharkSeaweedRotten DriftwoodSturdy DriftwoodMystical DriftwoodViolet RibbonsWhite ReedsAncient KelpAquamarine 1.2
75 Endless Vortex Raw MegalodonRaw Tentacle MeatMystical DriftwoodAquamarine 1.2
100 INFO’s Stand Raw Tentacle MeatMystical DriftwoodAquamarine 1.3
Common Encounter Swordfish Swordfish Fish Guts BaitSmelly Meat BaitMysterious SeedRaw TigerfishSeaweedRotten DriftwoodSturdy DriftwoodMystical DriftwoodSatchelStormy Sea Scroll[?] N/A
Rare Encounter Ascended Ascended Shrimp Tail BaitFish Guts BaitSmelly Meat BaitMysterious SeedSunken TreasureAncient TreasureStormy Sea Scroll[?] N/A

The Stormy Seas is a dangerous location. While fishing there, a fight with a Swordfish or Ascended will occasionally be simulated and will delay the time it takes to search for the next node. More information can be found on the Dangerous Encounters page.

Fishing Stats

There are various stats that can be gained through levels and equipment that affect fishing.

Effective Fishing Level

Effective fishing level is the combination of the players fishing level, mastery level, and the fishing stats on equipment. This can be found by hovering over the skill icon or in the panel on the left. It affects the following:

  • Chance of finding and gathering from a node
  • Rarity of resources
  • Quantity of resources in a node
  • Chance to preserve bait

Bait Preservation

Bait preservation comes from both effective fishing level and the enchantment of the same name which comes enchanted by default on the Fisherman's Bucket Hat. It determines the chance that a bait is used on an action and is capped at 50%. Metal hook baits also come with bait preservation, using these baits is the only way to exceed the 50% cap.

Bait preservation is reduced by Deadliest Catch but cannot go lower than 0%.

Bait Power

Increases the chance and speed of finding nodes, and the size of nodes found. Chance is capped at 100% and speed is capped at 0.33 seconds.

Reel Power

Increases the chance and speed of gathering resources. Chance is capped at 100% and speed is capped at 0.33 seconds.

Bonus Rarity

Some nodes require a certain bonus rarity to start appearing. Rare resources require a rarity higher than the node. Nodes and resources have a cap where bonus rarity above will not provide additional drop frequency.

Bonus Rarity must be above the minimum rarity for resources to appear. Resources not listed here require no bonus rarity to collect.

Zone Resource Min. Rarity
Shallow Pond Raw Magnetic Minnow Raw Magnetic Minnow 1
Lazy River Rotten Driftwood Rotten Driftwood 5
Raw Tigerfish Raw Tigerfish 15
Sturdy Driftwood Sturdy Driftwood 5
Aquamarine Aquamarine 50
Still Lake Rotten Driftwood Rotten Driftwood 10
Sturdy Driftwood Sturdy Driftwood 10
Raw Tigerfish Raw Tigerfish 25
Raw Slippery Eel Raw Slippery Eel 25
Raw Ancient Lobster Raw Ancient Lobster 25
Aquamarine Aquamarine 50
Open Ocean Mystical Driftwood Mystical Driftwood 15
Raw Huge Tuna Raw Huge Tuna 25
Raw Megalodon Raw Megalodon 25
Aquamarine Aquamarine 30
Raw Tentacle Meat Raw Tentacle Meat 100
Stormy Seas Raw Great White Shark Raw Great White Shark 10
Raw Megalodon Raw Megalodon 25
Aquamarine Aquamarine 30
Mystical Driftwood Mystical Driftwood 35
Raw Tentacle Meat Raw Tentacle Meat 75


List of useful Enchantments.

Scrollcrafting Scroll Slot Level Silver Amount Rune Amount Runes CollapseEffect per scroll
Scroll of Naturalist Scroll of Naturalist Gloves, Boots 49 600 60 Air, Water, Nature, Cosmic Increase your chance to gain chests as well as convert standard chests to their greater variants while gathering by 20%.
Scroll of Fishing Scroll of Fishing Gloves, Boots 55 700 60 Earth, Water, Mind Increases fish catch chance by 2.5%.
Scroll of Prolonging Scroll of Prolonging Gloves, Boots 58 700 60 Nature, Mind Gain a 20% chance to not consume a buff stack (resulting in 25% more uses from a buff on average).
Scroll of Enlightenment Scroll of Enlightenment Gloves, Boots 73 900 70 Air, Water, Chaos, Mind Gain 1 more essence per action where essence is acquired.
Scroll of Gathering Scroll of Gathering Ring, Necklace 64 800 70 Earth, Fire, Water, Mind, Cosmic Gain a 10% chance to find an extra resource while gathering. There is a 15% chance that a nature rune is consumed when it procs. Attempts to pull the rune from your stockpile then ammo pouch if none found.
Scroll of Wealth Scroll of Wealth Ring, Necklace 37 500 50 Nature, Mind, Cosmic Automatically sells gathering and production items for 20% of their vendor price. Does not affect Crafting or stack with Scholar.
Scroll of the Scholar Scroll of the Scholar Ring, Necklace 88 1300 110 Chaos, Mind, Cosmic Increases experience gained from gathering and production by 20% but destroys the item in process. Does not affect Crafting or stack with Wealth. Only active for mastery experience, when a skill is at level 99.
Scroll of Haste Scroll of Haste Ring, Necklace 94 2000 200 Air, Chaos, Mind, Cosmic Increases non-combat action speed by 4%. Caps at halving action time. Stacks with Empowered Haste.
Scroll of Archaeology Scroll of Archaeology Tacklebox, Fishing Set, Pickaxe, Hatchet, Mining Set, Foraging Set 41 500 50 Earth, Water, Nature Gives access to a secondary drop table while gathering with rewards and chances heavily scaling on enchantment strength. The best finds are only found in the hardest to reach zones!
Scroll of Pungent Bait Scroll of Pungent Bait Tacklebox, Fishing Set 14 200 30 Water, Nature Increases bait power by 3.
Scroll of Reinforced Line Scroll of Reinforced Line Tacklebox, Fishing Set 23 300 40 Earth, Water Increases reel power by 3.
Scroll of Fishing Magnetism Scroll of Fishing Magnetism Tacklebox, Fishing Set 33 400 40 Earth, Water, Cosmic Increases bonus rarity by 2 and decreases both bait and reel power by the same amount. Increases chance to find known rare nodes.
Scroll of Bait Preservation Scroll of Bait Preservation Tacklebox, Fishing Set 47 600 60 Earth, Water, Chaos Increases chance to preserve bait by 4%.
Scroll of the Fiber Finder Scroll of the Fiber Finder Tacklebox, Fishing Set 50 600 60 Earth, Water, Mind Increases chance to find aquatic fibers by 25%.
Scroll of Oil Spill Scroll of Oil Spill Tacklebox, Fishing Set 69 800 70 Earth, Water, Death Gives a 8% chance to try and extract fish oil from a fish based on the fish's size. There is a chance that fish oil may not be created if the fish is too small.
Scroll of Deadliest Catch Scroll of Deadliest Catch Tacklebox, Fishing Set 71 900 70 Earth, Water, Blood Increases bonuses from using bait by 5% but decreases bait preservation chance by 5%. Increases chance to find known rare resources.

Change Log

Date History
12 September 2019 The fishing skill was released
11 November 2021 Major rework, node system, new gear, etc