Fisherman's Smock

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Fisherman's Smock
Enchantment Slots3
EnchantmentsReinforced Line 3
Defensive Stats
Master Fisherman
(3 pieces)
Legendary Angler
(4 pieces)
+15% to all fishing stats
+25% damage dealt
-25% damage taken
in dangerous encounters
+30% to all fishing stats
+50% damage dealt
-50% damage taken
in dangerous encounters
Augment Bonus
Bait Power
Reel Power
Bonus Rarity
Aug. Cost1 Fishing Shard Fishing Shard
6 Aqueous Grass Aqueous Grass
5 Water Weeds Water Weeds
4 River Vines River Vines
3 Violet Ribbons Violet Ribbons
2 White Reeds White Reeds
1 Ancient Kelp Ancient Kelp

The Fisherman's Smock is the Body piece of the Fisherman Set. By default it comes enchanted with Reinforced Line 3, increasing your Reel Power by 9.

  • Three pieces of the fisherman set provides the Master Fisherman buff which increases fishing stats by 15% excluding bait. As well as reducing damage received and increasing damage dealt by 25% in dangerous gathering encounters and Skilling Dungeons.
  • Four pieces replaces the 3-set bonus with the Legendary Angler buff which increases fishing stats by 30% excluding bait. As well as reducing damage received and increasing damage dealt by 50% in dangerous gathering encounters and Skilling Dungeons.

How to Acquire

The crafting recipe for the Fisherman's Smock can be unlocked by completing the "Fishing Set Quest", which unlocks at level 50 Fishing. You can also buy one from the market and equip it without doing this quest if a player is selling one.

Crafted Item Crafting Level Base EXP Ingredients
Fisherman's Smock Fisherman's Smock
Crafting 50
22,500 Crafting Crafting
450 Fishing Shard Fishing Shard


Reinforced Line 3 is the default enchantment that comes with the Fisherman's Smock, but this can be replaced with any other enchantment that can be applied to the fishing set.

List of useful Enchantments.

Scrollcrafting Scroll Slot Level Silver Amount Rune Amount Runes CollapseEffect per scroll
Scroll of Archaeology Scroll of Archaeology Tacklebox, Fishing Set, Pickaxe, Hatchet, Mining Set, Foraging Set 41 500 50 Earth, Water, Nature Gives access to a secondary drop table while gathering with rewards and chances heavily scaling on enchantment strength. The best finds are only found in the hardest to reach zones!
Scroll of Pungent Bait Scroll of Pungent Bait Tacklebox, Fishing Set 14 200 30 Water, Nature Increases bait power by 3.
Scroll of Reinforced Line Scroll of Reinforced Line Tacklebox, Fishing Set 23 300 40 Earth, Water Increases reel power by 3.
Scroll of Fishing Magnetism Scroll of Fishing Magnetism Tacklebox, Fishing Set 33 400 40 Earth, Water, Cosmic Increases bonus rarity by 2 and decreases both bait and reel power by the same amount. Increases chance to find known rare nodes.
Scroll of Bait Preservation Scroll of Bait Preservation Tacklebox, Fishing Set 47 600 60 Earth, Water, Chaos Increases chance to preserve bait by 4%.
Scroll of the Fiber Finder Scroll of the Fiber Finder Tacklebox, Fishing Set 50 600 60 Earth, Water, Mind Increases chance to find aquatic fibers by 25%.
Scroll of Oil Spill Scroll of Oil Spill Tacklebox, Fishing Set 69 800 70 Earth, Water, Death Gives a 8% chance to try and extract fish oil from a fish based on the fish's size. There is a chance that fish oil may not be created if the fish is too small.
Scroll of Deadliest Catch Scroll of Deadliest Catch Tacklebox, Fishing Set 71 900 70 Earth, Water, Blood Increases bonuses from using bait by 5% but decreases bait preservation chance by 5%. Increases chance to find known rare resources.