Fishing Guide

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Fishing UI

This guide is intended to give guidance on reaching level 99 Fishing, as well as an explanation of the mechanics involved in the skill and advice on gear, enchantments, and affixes. A brief summary of how to max fishing is included directly underneath this paragraph and the guide is split into relevant sections in the contents table below for those who don't want to read everything.

Any questions, feedback, or parts of this guide that are not clear? Feel free to post in the wiki channel in discord and I'll try to answer and update the guide.

Guide last updated: Version 0.21.17

TL:DR give me the summary for maxing fast

  • Prioritize getting 100% node search and node gather chance through gear, buffs, affixes, or enchantments.
  • Use 1 piece of Jewelry with haste enchantments and Cloak of Many Pockets / the Void (Camo Cloak in Stormy Seas).
  • Always use the bait that provides the most reel power, if it doesn't reduce either of your success chances below 100%. (don't use tentacle bait until late game when equipping it does not reduce your overall sub-stats).
  • Keep using the highest tier Tacklebox you can and augment it to at least +5. Enchant with Reinforced Line unless you need Pungent Bait to reach 100% search chance.
    • Affix priorities for an XP focus (if they are available for your TB tier) are: Speedster Fishing > Prepared > Fishing Node Size > Instant Node Finding > Reeling > Baiting > Fisher ( "Successful Fisher" should be taken first if you are not 100% chance through other equipment/buffs).
  • Fish in the highest zone you can where failed attempts (or combat encounters in Stormy Seas) do not outweigh the XP gained per hour (You can check this by resetting your loot log and toggling "rate"). Don't fish in Stormy Seas without a Camo Cloak.
  • Get the full fishing set as soon as you can (and augment it where possible to +5) by accepting its related quest at level 50. This gives you the set bonus stat increase and the enchantments on the pieces.
  • You will not be able to make the Ocean’s Embrace before maxing the skill but if you want to keep fishing you will want to aim for it after getting to +5 on your gear

If you already know / don’t care about how fishing works you can skip to a relevant section using the contents menu on the top left of the page. If you’re new to fishing or just want to understand the mechanics more here’s…

A not so brief overview of fishing

Fishing is the most complex of the three gathering skills in game currently, and is intended to require more investment than mining or foraging. It was the first to receive the node system that has been adapted for mining and foraging, and has five sub-stats that influence the skill compared to mining and foraging only caring for effective skill level and some foraging enchantments. On top of this, fishing is the only gathering skill in which you can fail to gather anything after completing an action, resulting in no items and 0 XP gained.

While mining and foraging are pretty easy to level up and gather resources without using any gear, fishing is the gathering skill where gear, buffs, and bait have a large impact. 

But why fish? Apart from just wanting to max out another skill, fishing provides:

What makes fishing so different? In short, the node system and sub-stats. In long:

The node system

The node system has been confusing players ever since it was released. An easy way to think of it is that when you start fishing your player gets on a boat and sails for a certain amount of time to find a school of fish (a node). Then takes a different amount of time to catch one of those fish (a resource). After your player has caught everything in the area they have to sail onward to find another school of fish to catch (a new node).

Bait Power

Bait power is used to calculate the time it takes you to find these nodes, the chance of succeeding in doing so, and the size of the node you find. Failing a search results in the biggest time losses in fishing and it is important to increase your bait power to reduce this. Luckily your chance to search will increase alongside your level and gear as well as with affixes and enchantments.

How to Increase Bait Power:

It can also be supplemented with the following buffs and enchantments: Pungent Bait and to a lesser extent Deadliest Catch if your current bait is providing Bait Power.

Reel Power

Reel power is used to calculate the time it takes you to gather a resource from a node as well as the chance of succeeding in doing so. Reel power comes into play multiple times per node.

How to Increase Reel Power:

It can also be supplemented with the following buffs and enchantments: Reinforced Line and to a lesser extent Deadliest Catch if your bait is providing Reel Power.

Bonus Rarity

Bonus rarity affects the type of node you can find as well as the type of resources gathered within that node. Meeting the minimum requirement for a node type / resource only unlocks it's chance to appear and doesn't make it a common find. If you are aiming for specific drops in the loot table from fishing you should try to increase your rarity above the minimum required as much as you are able to. Being roughly around 50 rarity over the minimum rarity is a good point for semi-decent drop frequency.

How to Increase Bonus Rarity:

It can also be supplemented with the following buffs and enchantments: Fishing Magnetism and to a lesser extent Deadliest Catch if your bait is providing Bonus Rarity.

The UI

Opening the fishing tab will show you three key sections:

Info Panel:

The box on the left of the screen. This shows you all of your current fishing related stats, such as your:

Effective Fishing Level:

This is what the game treats as your fishing level. Tackleboxes and fishing gear can increase this, slightly reducing the time needed to search and gather and increasing your success chance and bait preservation.

Bait Preservation Chance:

The chance that bait will not be removed from your tacklebox on a gathering action. Can be increased with the Bait Preservation enchantment, by using metal hook baits, and slightly by leveling Fishing.

Bait Power:

The strength of your bait, used to calculate the speed and chance of searching for a fishing node. 

Reel Power:

Your fishing strength, used to calculate the speed and chance of pulling a resource out of the water.

Bonus Rarity:

This is used to calculate your chance of finding rarer fishing nodes and resources from said nodes.


In the middle of the screen. Annoyingly and confusingly different from an equippable tacklebox. This is where you store your bait for use in fishing. There is no limit to the amount of bait you can store here and it is consumed from the top left slot first. You can click on bait inside to remove it as well as move the bait to the front of the tacklebox to be consumed first.

There is also a useful setting you can change to automatically move new bait you acquire to the tacklebox if it is already inside.

You should always be using bait to fish, as it's the main way to boost all fishing stats before you have late-game fishing gear.

Fishing Locations:

On the right side of the screen. This is where you can select a zone to fish in. Clicking the i icons in the top right will show roughly what you can receive from nodes and what rarities they unlock at. You shouldn't trust these percentages. The rarity shown is the minimum rarity, and you should aim for at least 50 rarity over if you want to gather these in any meaningful amounts.

The icons and numbers at the bottom of each fishing location on the fishing screen will tell you the following information from left to right:

Level Required:

The fishing level required to unlock the fishing location. This does not include effective levels given to the player by fishing gear.

Searching Time and Gathering Time:

Searching time is how long it takes your player to find a fishing node.

Gathering time is the time it takes for your player to gather one resource from that node.

Base Find Chance and Base Gather Chance:

Base Find Chance is your chance to find a fishing node after completing a search.

Base Gather Chance is your chance to fish up a resource from a node.

Experience per action:

This is the base amount of fishing experience you receive per catch. Rarer fishing nodes have XP multipliers that can award you up to 1.3x the shown amount.


You will always want to use bait while fishing, especially so in the early game. This is because bait is cheap/easy to acquire compared to equipment upgrades and gives significant stat increases. Use bait while fishing by clicking on it in your inventory and selecting the box that says "move to tacklebox". You can have multiple types of bait in your tacklebox, however you will only use the first type. You can reorder bait in your tacklebox by clicking on it and selecting "Move to Front".

Bait is not consumed while searching for a node but does affect the node you find. Bait is consumed with gather actions after finding a node, this includes failed attempts. Failing also reduces the node size by one, the fish got away...

The "best bait" to use is a hard question to answer, the short answer is it depends on what you are aiming for.

The slightly longer answer: If your node search chance is less than 100% go for bait power, otherwise you should go for reel. If you want to try and get the rarer drops from a zone, go for higher bonus rarity. If you want bait that lasts longer try and get metal hook baits.

Do not use Tentacle Bait until you are in late-game fishing, before then the 1.3 stat multiplier does not outscale the -30 bait and reel penalty. If when you equip it to the first slot in your tacklebox your stats go down its too early for you to use.

Nightcrawler, Glowbug, and Shrimp Tail are the early options, and are fairly easy to acquire thanks to the addition of worm bins. I think it's not worth spending the money on Earthworm from the general shop unless you're unable to get any other bait at all. My recommendation would be nightcrawler early on due to the higher bait power having the largest impact on fishing speed/success chance. If you can afford it (in terms of money and success chance), Smelly Meat as a nice all rounder with a slight boost to effective fishing level. If you have the crafting level and resources for it the 2 Fish Guts baits are also nice to use due to it being easy to craft more of with the fish you catch.

There are 13 types of bait available for fishing, these are:

Bait Source Fishing Level Bait Power Reel Power Bonus Rarity Bait Preservation
Earthworm Bait Earthworm Bait Game Shop N/A 5 5 N/A N/A
Fat Nightcrawler Bait Fat Nightcrawler Bait Mining

Farming (Worm Composting Bin)

1 15 10 5 N/A
Glowbug Bait Glowbug Bait Foraging

Farming (Worm Composting Bin)

1 10 15 5 N/A
Shrimp Tail Bait Shrimp Tail Bait Crafting (Raw Shrimp) 1 20 10 5 N/A
Improved Hook Bait Improved Hook Bait Crafting (Bronze Bar, Iron Bar) 2 (+10) * 1.05 (+10) * 1.05 10 +15%
Fish Guts Bait Fish Guts Bait Crafting (Anchovy, Trout, Salmon, Tuna, or Shark) 2 25 5 10 N/A
Smelly Fish Guts Bait Smelly Fish Guts Bait Crafting (Minnow, Tigerfish, Eel, Great White Shark) 3 15 (+20) * 1.1 10 N/A
Smelly Meat Bait Smelly Meat Bait Combat (Rats, Goblins, Swordfish, Ascended) 2 15 15 5 N/A
Crustacean Meat Bait Crustacean Meat Bait Crafting (Lobster, Crab, Ancient Lobster) 3 15 10 (+20) * 1.1 N/A
Hardened Hook Bait Hardened Hook Bait Crafting (Adamantite Bar) 3 N/A (+35) * 1.3 (+20) * 1.1 +15%
Alluring Lure Bait Alluring Lure Bait Crafting (Adamantite + Gold Bar) 3 (+20) * 1.2 N/A (+30) * 1.1 +15%
Writhing Tentacle Bait Writhing Tentacle Bait Crafting (Writhing Tentacle Bait) 5 (-30) * 1.3 (-30) * 1.3 (60) * 1.3 N/A
Mysterious Bait Mysterious Bait Bird's Nest, Mysterious Seed

Farming (Worm Composting Bin)

50 to 200 50 to 200 50 to 200 50 to 200 N/A


Nodes without a minimum rarity can be found at any time. In a few cases some resources shown as fishable inside a node will require a higher rarity to be gathered than the minimum needed to discover that node. This is roughly around 10~50 bonus rarity. If a specific item you want isn't dropping from a node you are probably fishing with too low bonus rarity. Personally I'd aim to try and get at least 50 rarity above if you are trying to farm a specific resource.

Bonus Rarity must be above the minimum rarity shown below for nodes to start appearing, the higher above the minimum rarity you are the higher your chances are of finding the nodes. Nodes also have internal limits so even with 1,000,000 rarity you will still get the "worse" nodes appearing.

The first node in any zone will always be the one named after the zone. For example, the first node in Shallow Pond will always be "The Shallow Pond".

It is not currently stated in game, but fishing in rarer nodes gives you up to a 1.3x bonus XP multiplier per action depending on the zone/node.

Level Zone Exp Recommended Gear Min. Rarity Node Possible Loot XP Mult
1 Shallow Pond 20 Novice Tacklebox N/A The Shallow Pond Raw ShrimpRaw AnchovyRaw Magnetic MinnowSeaweedRotten DriftwoodAqueous Grass 1
Oop, All Shrimp! Raw Shrimp 1
Small Schools of Fish Raw AnchovyRaw Magnetic MinnowSeaweedRotten DriftwoodAqueous Grass 1.1
Drifting Around Raw AnchovySeaweedRotten DriftwoodAqueous Grass 1.1
Shallow Flora SeaweedAqueous GrassWater Weeds 1.2
20 Lazy River 30 Basic Tacklebox N/A The Lazy River Raw TroutRaw SalmonRaw Magnetic MinnowRaw TigerfishSeaweedRotten DriftwoodSturdy DriftwoodAqueous GrassWater Weeds 1
Migrating Schools Raw TroutRaw SalmonRaw Magnetic MinnowRaw TigerfishSeaweedRotten DriftwoodSturdy DriftwoodAqueous GrassWater Weeds 1
Riverbed Flora SeaweedAqueous GrassWater WeedsRiver Vines 1.3
25 ANGY Bois Raw TroutRaw SalmonRaw TigerfishRotten DriftwoodSturdy DriftwoodAquamarine 1.2
50 Still Lake 60 Advanced Tacklebox
Fishing equipment
N/A The Still Lake Raw LobsterRaw CrabRaw Magnetic MinnowRaw TigerfishRaw Slippery EelSeaweedRotten DriftwoodSturdy DriftwoodWater WeedsRiver Vines 1
Cage Match Raw LobsterRaw CrabRaw Ancient Lobster 1.1
Lake Flora SeaweedAqueous GrassWater WeedsRiver VinesViolet Ribbons 1.2
30 Big Catch! Raw LobsterRaw CrabRaw Ancient LobsterRaw TigerfishRaw Slippery EelAquamarine 1.2
75 Yedyod’s Cove Raw Ancient LobsterRaw CrabRaw TigerfishRaw Slippery EelSeaweedRotten DriftwoodSturdy DriftwoodAqueous GrassWater WeedsRiver VinesAquamarine 1.3
65 Open Ocean 90 Pro Tacklebox /
Supreme Tacklebox,
Fishing equipment
N/A The Open Ocean Raw TunaRaw SharkRaw Hammerhead SharkRaw Huge TunaRaw MegalodonRaw Great White SharkSeaweedRotten DriftwoodSturdy DriftwoodRiver VinesViolet RibbonsAquamarine 1
Carefree Day Raw TunaRaw Huge TunaSeaweedRotten DriftwoodSturdy DriftwoodMystical DriftwoodRiver VinesViolet RibbonsAquamarine 1.1
Sharks Ate All The Tuna Raw TunaRaw SharkRaw Hammerhead SharkRaw MegalodonRaw Great White SharkSeaweedRotten DriftwoodSturdy DriftwoodRiver VinesViolet Ribbons 1
Ocean Flora SeaweedAqueous GrassWater WeedsRiver VinesViolet RibbonsWhite Reeds 1.1
25 Shipwreck Bay Raw SharkRaw Hammerhead SharkRaw MegalodonRaw Great White SharkSeaweedRotten DriftwoodSturdy DriftwoodMystical DriftwoodRiver VinesViolet RibbonsAquamarine 1.1
50 Almost Jurassic Raw Hammerhead SharkRaw Huge TunaRaw MegalodonRaw Tentacle MeatRaw Great White SharkAquamarine 1.2
Playtester’s Paradise Raw Hammerhead SharkRaw MegalodonRaw Great White SharkMystical DriftwoodViolet RibbonsWhite ReedsAquamarine 1.2
75 Ghost Ship Raw SharkRaw Hammerhead SharkRaw MegalodonRaw Great White SharkSturdy DriftwoodMystical DriftwoodAquamarine 1.2
100 Is that a tentacle? Raw Hammerhead SharkRaw MegalodonRaw Tentacle MeatRaw Great White SharkMystical DriftwoodAquamarine 1.3
85 Stormy Seas 100 Supreme Tacklebox /
Ocean's Embrace,
Fishing equipment
N/A The Stormy Seas Raw TunaRaw SharkRaw Hammerhead SharkRaw Huge TunaRaw MegalodonRaw Great White SharkSeaweedRotten DriftwoodSturdy DriftwoodMystical DriftwoodViolet RibbonsWhite ReedsAquamarine 1
Eye of the Storm Raw TunaRaw SharkRaw Hammerhead SharkRaw Huge TunaRaw MegalodonRaw Great White SharkSeaweedRotten DriftwoodSturdy DriftwoodViolet RibbonsWhite ReedsAquamarine 1
Deep Sea Flora SeaweedAqueous GrassWater WeedsRiver VinesViolet RibbonsWhite ReedsAncient Kelp 1.1
50 World’s End Raw TunaRaw SharkRaw Hammerhead SharkRaw Huge TunaRaw MegalodonRaw Great White SharkSeaweedRotten DriftwoodSturdy DriftwoodMystical DriftwoodViolet RibbonsWhite ReedsAncient KelpAquamarine 1.2
75 Endless Vortex Raw MegalodonRaw Tentacle MeatMystical DriftwoodAquamarine 1.2
100 INFO’s Stand Raw Tentacle MeatMystical DriftwoodAquamarine 1.3
Common Encounter Swordfish Swordfish Fish Guts BaitSmelly Meat BaitMysterious SeedRaw TigerfishSeaweedRotten DriftwoodSturdy DriftwoodMystical DriftwoodSatchelStormy Sea Scroll[?] N/A
Rare Encounter Ascended Ascended Shrimp Tail BaitFish Guts BaitSmelly Meat BaitMysterious SeedSunken TreasureAncient TreasureStormy Sea Scroll[?] N/A

Dangerous Encounters

The Stormy Seas is a dangerous location. While fishing there, a fight with a Swordfish or Ascended will occasionally be simulated and appear as a "Danger Simulation" node. This will delay you from searching for the next node for up to 90 seconds and this penalty persists even if you swap to another zone to try and escape it. The Camo Cloak can be used to reduce this delay by 20% and also reduce the chance of one occurring by 50%. For more information on the mechanics of these encounters check out the Dangerous Encounters page.


While fishing there is a low chance for one of two treasure chests to be gathered at the same time as any item. These are the Sunken Treasure Sunken Treasure and Ancient Treasure Ancient Treasure. By wearing gear with the naturalist enchant you can increase the rate in which you get chests and greatly increase the chance that it is the ancient variant.

Chests can give fibers, gems, and talismans. In the early game these are especially useful. The Ancient Treasure Ancient Treasure is always worth opening. This is because there is around a 3% chance for each legendary tool piece to drop per ancient treasure.

The quest to unlock the Ocean's Embrace requires 9000 fishing shards, augmenting this past +5 requires base versions of the item. If you are lucky and get a gear piece out of an ancient treasure you have saved yourself around 75 hours of fishing due to the base cost of these pieces being 900 shards.


This section exists just as a rough guide of what enchants/talents to pick to change the drop distribution towards a specific resource.

Fish: The default option, focusing on enchants that only buff sub-stats to increase your speed along with using gathering while fishing results in the same drop distribution as normal. Fishing Magnetism is a decent replacement for Bait Preservation if you're already past the 50% cap. You should equip boots or gloves with Fishy Fortune to increase the amount of fish you get. Avoid Fiber Finder if you want more fish.

Driftwood / Aquamarines: The only real difference between this and fish is that you would want Junk Snagging. You can run Fishy Fortune as well if you aren't using Prolonging for more fish alongside the increased wood/aquas. You will want to have Reinforced Line on the tacklebox. Fiber finder would result in less fish meaning fewer procs of junk snagging.

Oil: Equipping Oil Spill enchant gives a base 8% chance per enchant level to try and extract fish oil from a fish based on the fish's size. On an Ocean's Embrace this equals a 60% chance. This chance is not guaranteed and is less likely the smaller the fish is. More information can be found on the Oil Spill page.

Fiber: Equipping Fiber Finder enchant increases chance to find fibers by 25% per enchant level, On an Ocean's Embrace this equals an increased 200% chance. Doing this does not replace all fish. You can also take this further by equipping boots or gloves with the Fiber Snagging enchantment.

XP: For an XP focus there isn't really a lot you can do other than increasing your stats as much as possible. There is a ring affix that gives you an XP multiplier, but aside from that you will just want to use Intuition potions and fish in Stormy Seas. Scholar is a good enchantment to use over gathering in this case as the extra shard rate will mean you can upgrade your gear faster.

Fishing Gear

There are two types of fishing gear. The Fisherman's skilling set and Tackleboxes.

Fisherman's set

The Fisherman's Set recipe is locked behind the quest "Fishing Set Quest". You will need to be level 50 before you can unlock this quest and upon completion you will receive enough shards to craft 2 of the 3 fishing set items. By level 50 you should have plenty of shards to craft the 3rd piece. However, it is only the recipe that is level locked. If you have the cash, and someone is selling one, you can purchase a set from the market and wear it at level 1.

Fishing Gear Enchantment
Fisherman's Bucket Hat Fisherman's Bucket Hat Bait Preservation 3
Fisherman's Smock Fisherman's Smock Reinforced Line 3
Fisherman's Waders Fisherman's Waders Pungent Bait 3

The fisherman's set is a must have item for fishing. The set bonus from wearing all 3 pieces increases all of your base fishing stats (before bait bonuses) by 15%, as well as reducing damage taken and increasing damage done in dangerous gathering locations (Stormy Seas and the Abandoned Academy Base). Each piece can be augmented to give +1 to all fishing stats for the cost of some fibers and fishing shards.

You are also able to replace the enchantments on the gear. This is important to do if you have one of the same enchantments on your tacklebox as enchantments do not stack across gear and you are effectively wasting a level 3 enchantment if you do not replace it.

There is a fourth piece to the Fisherman's Set. The legendary tacklebox Ocean's Embrace. We will cover this below in...


Tackleboxes are a skill specific tool for fishing. Like pickaxes and hatchets, tackleboxes can be equipped and will give the player stat boosts towards fishing. By doing the gathering tutorial quest, you can get the first tier of tacklebox for free. Due to how integral the substats of fishing are to the time taken and XP gained, you should be upgrading your tacklebox as soon as possible every time you reach the level requirements to equip the next tier, as well as affixing them. If you want to save money at the lower levels, you can avoid enchantments. However, they are powerful bonuses to have on a tacklebox, and aren't too hard to make.

The highest tier of tacklebox you can craft is the legendary Ocean's Embrace. This is locked behind the Master difficulty quest "Legendary Tacklebox", and requires you to either clear or turn in a key for the Abandoned Academy Base Dungeon as well as turning in 9,000 Shards to receive your first one. Like all legendary tools this is intended for end game skilling, as a result you will likely be beyond the maximum fishing level by the time you can receive this.

Ocean's Embrace gives the highest increase to base fishing stats as well as unlocking a stronger version of the Fisherman's Set bonus buff. This gives the player a 30% buff to all fishing stats (before bait bonuses) and reduces damage taken and increases damage done in Stormy Seas (and the Abandoned Academy Base) by 50%.

Tacklebox Fishing Level Bait Power Reel Power Bonus Rarity
Novice Tacklebox Novice Tacklebox 3 15 5 N/A
Basic Tacklebox Basic Tacklebox 6 20 10 3
Advanced Tacklebox Advanced Tacklebox 9 25 15 6
Pro Tacklebox Pro Tacklebox 12 30 20 10
Supreme Tacklebox Supreme Tacklebox 15 35 25 15
Ocean's Embrace Ocean's Embrace 60 60 60 60

Other Useful Gear

In addition to the above here are other pieces of gear that are useful when fishing:

  • Bag of Holding: depending on the version you have, this gives up to a 100% chance to force the max quantity of a resource when gathering. This only affects fiber as fish do not roll a range without any yield affixes.
  • Newbie / Dwarven Adventurer's Backpack: (for Adventurers boon) Extra shards are very useful, using this in place of the bag of holding will allows you to gain more shards (at the cost of slower fishing and less resources) for augmenting fishing gear stats or getting an Ocean's Embrace sooner for the improved set bonus.
  • Cloak of Many Pockets / the Void: 1-2 extra levels of haste depending on the cloak. Faster fishing = faster XP, no downsides to using these outside of stormy seas if you can afford them.
  • Camo Cloak: Only applicable to Stormy Seas, decreases the chance of a encounter by 50% and reduces delay by 20%. Works out as a better time save than the haste cloaks. Plus augmenting it gives you an extra +1 to fishing sub-stats.
  • Flamboyant Cape: The opposite of the Camo Cloak, increases encounter chance by 50% and reduces delay by 10%. Not recommended for fishing, will result in more bait from more fights in Stormy Seas but not worth the time cost. Also gives fishing stats with augmenting.
  • Prismatic Ring: (offers +1 fishing level, bait, reel, and rarity per aug) This can have Haste, Gathering, or Scholar. Haste is a must have. Gathering will help you get more items. Scholar will help you get shards for upgrades


Listed below are all the relevant enchantments for fishing that can go on your fishing set, tacklebox, jewelry or other gear. Enchantments, of course, do not stack across gear.

My recommendations, in order, are:

  • Gloves / Boots:
    • Naturalist - Chests are good mostly until you build up a decent stockpile of tool parts.
    • Fiber Snagging - For more fiber at the cost of some fish.
    • Fishy Fortune - For increasing the amount of fish you get.
    • Prolonging - If you frequently use potions you should get this to make them last longer.
    • Junk Snagging - Can be useful if you need driftwood/aquas for upgrading gear.
    • fishing enchantment - If you don't have 100% success chance and want to free up affix/enchantment slots on your tacklebox then you can use this.
  • Fishing Set: The default options are solid choices, especially when you get them at level 50. If you choose to add one of the fishing set's enchantments to your tacklebox make sure to replace the fishing set piece equivalent since they do not stack. (for example having reinforced line on a tacklebox makes the chest piece enchant worthless so you can swap it for fishy fortune or fiber finder instead). Towards the late game of fishing you will probably no longer need bait preservation.
  • Any Other Tool: Putting Archaeology on any tool that isn't the tacklebox still gives access to the enchantment. Doing this allows you to make some extra gold on the side whilst fishing.

List of useful Enchantments.

Scrollcrafting Scroll Slot Level Silver Amount Rune Amount Runes Effect per scroll
Scroll of Naturalist Scroll of Naturalist Gloves, Boots 49 600 60 Air, Water, Nature, Cosmic Increase your chance to gain chests as well as convert standard chests to their greater variants while gathering by 20%.
Scroll of Fishing Scroll of Fishing Gloves, Boots 55 700 60 Earth, Water, Mind Increases fish catch chance by 2.5%.
Scroll of Prolonging Scroll of Prolonging Gloves, Boots 58 700 60 Nature, Mind Gain a 20% chance to not consume a buff stack (resulting in 25% more uses from a buff on average).
Scroll of Enlightenment Scroll of Enlightenment Gloves, Boots 73 900 70 Air, Water, Chaos, Mind Gain 1 more essence per action where essence is acquired.
Scroll of Gathering Scroll of Gathering Ring, Necklace 64 800 70 Earth, Fire, Water, Mind, Cosmic Gain a 10% chance to find an extra resource while gathering. There is a 15% chance that a nature rune is consumed when it procs. Attempts to pull the rune from your stockpile then ammo pouch if none found.
Scroll of Wealth Scroll of Wealth Ring, Necklace 37 500 50 Nature, Mind, Cosmic Automatically sells gathering and production items for 20% of their vendor price. Does not affect Crafting or stack with Scholar.
Scroll of the Scholar Scroll of the Scholar Ring, Necklace 88 1300 110 Chaos, Mind, Cosmic Increases experience gained from gathering and production by 20% but destroys the item in process. Does not affect Crafting or stack with Wealth. Only active for mastery experience, when a skill is at level 99.
Scroll of Haste Scroll of Haste Ring, Necklace 94 2000 200 Air, Chaos, Mind, Cosmic Increases non-combat action speed by 4%. Caps at halving action time. Stacks with Empowered Haste.
Scroll of Archaeology Scroll of Archaeology Tacklebox, Fishing Set, Pickaxe, Hatchet, Mining Set, Foraging Set 41 500 50 Earth, Water, Nature Gives access to a secondary drop table while gathering with rewards and chances heavily scaling on enchantment strength. The best finds are only found in the hardest to reach zones!
Scroll of Pungent Bait Scroll of Pungent Bait Tacklebox, Fishing Set 14 200 30 Water, Nature Increases bait power by 3.
Scroll of Reinforced Line Scroll of Reinforced Line Tacklebox, Fishing Set 23 300 40 Earth, Water Increases reel power by 3.
Scroll of Fishing Magnetism Scroll of Fishing Magnetism Tacklebox, Fishing Set 33 400 40 Earth, Water, Cosmic Increases bonus rarity by 2 and decreases both bait and reel power by the same amount. Increases chance to find known rare nodes.
Scroll of Bait Preservation Scroll of Bait Preservation Tacklebox, Fishing Set 47 600 60 Earth, Water, Chaos Increases chance to preserve bait by 4%.
Scroll of the Fiber Finder Scroll of the Fiber Finder Tacklebox, Fishing Set 50 600 60 Earth, Water, Mind Increases chance to find aquatic fibers by 25%.
Scroll of Oil Spill Scroll of Oil Spill Tacklebox, Fishing Set 69 800 70 Earth, Water, Death Gives a 8% chance to try and extract fish oil from a fish based on the fish's size. There is a chance that fish oil may not be created if the fish is too small.
Scroll of Deadliest Catch Scroll of Deadliest Catch Tacklebox, Fishing Set 71 900 70 Earth, Water, Blood Increases bonuses from using bait by 5% but decreases bait preservation chance by 5%. Increases chance to find known rare resources.


The following are buffs you can receive from potions. While not required to max fishing they will speed up the process, especially in the early game where stats are at their weakest. Recommended buffs are: Fishing, Pungent Bait, Reinforced Line.

Name Skill Affected Description Buff Gained From
Fishing (Enchantment) Fishing (Enchantment) Fishing Increases fishing catch rate by 10%. Honey
Fishing Magnetism Fishing Magnetism Fishing Increases bonus rarity by 4 and decreases bait and reel power by the same amount. Increases chance to find known rare nodes. Raw Magnetic Minnow
Reinforced Line Reinforced Line Fishing Increases reel power by 6. Raw Tigerfish
Pungent Bait Pungent Bait Fishing Increases bait power by 6. Seaweed
Oil Spill Oil Spill Fishing Adds 7.5% chance to try and extract fish oil from a fish based on the fish's size. There is a chance that fish oil may not be created if the fish is too small. Raw Slippery Eel
Deadliest Catch Deadliest Catch Fishing Increases bonuses from bait by 10%, but decreases chance of bait preservation by 5%. Increases chance to find known rare resources. Raw Great White Shark
Gathering Gathering Mining, Foraging, and Fishing Gain a 20% chance to find an extra resource while gathering. Banana
Intuition Intuition Most activities Increases experience gained by 10% while doing most things. Sageberry


Be aware that affixes are costly to change once applied to an item. Look through the menus yourself or even hold off applying them to hard to acquire items until you understand what you want from them. Higher tier equipment has higher possible values for affixes than the lower tier equivalent. This list is my opinions and primarily based around late-game affixes, at lower levels its okay to only worry about affixing the tacklebox.

  • Fishing Hat/Smock/Waders: "Speedster Fishing" + "Fishing Yield" OR "Prepared"

Speedster Fishing is the best affix you can get for fishing gear. I personally think yield is more valuable than prepared in terms of getting more mats since it synergizes with Fishy Fortune. However if you want to min-max for xp then prepared is the better pick. Even at lower levels I don't think its worthwhile to get other affixes as you will just have to replace them later.

  • Cape: "Sneaky Gatherer" + "Gathering Shards".

More shards = more augs = more stats. These are the only two relevant affixes you can get for fishing on capes and you should be putting them on a Camo Cloak. "Dangerous Gatherer" exists but all you will really get out of it is more delays while fishing for little to no benefit.

  • Necklace: "Quick Gatherer"

7-10% additive speed. You can also get some other fishing affixes such as "Reeling" and "Detecting" if you want to min-max for fishing. Personally I use production affixes alongside Quick Gatherer so I can use my neck for all non-combat skills.

  • Ring: "Ultimate Gatherer" + "Skillful" + "Gathering Yield"

elvl multiplier and an XP multiplier are unquestionably the best for fishing. If you have a third slot I'd say "Gathering Yield" is more valuable than "Greater Chests". If you need more chests its easier to run naturalist enchant and buff potions.

  • Pendant: "Gathering Doubling"

1-3% chance to double gathered item. Only other gathering relevant affix currently is "Greater Archaeology" which is also a nice bonus to have as you should be fishing with archaeology on another tool for the bonus money.

  • Boots and Gloves: Only combat affixes available currently, not relevant for fishing.
  • Tacklebox: "Speedster Fishing" + "Fishing Node Size" > "Fishing Yield" OR "Prepared"

Speedster Fishing and Node Size are must have picks for the tacklebox if they are available. "Fishing Yield" is great if you care more for resources and works with Fishy Fortune. "Prepared" is good for a more XP-based focus. If you don't have at least the "Supreme Tacklebox" and you also don't have 100% chance to search/gather through other means, you should prioritize getting "Successful Fisher" as the fastest time save you can get in the early game is lowering your chance to fail.

Why is Speedster Fishing the best affix? Speedster fishing gives you a chance after a search action (as long as it isn't your first node search since clicking on the zone) to set your gather speed to 0.1 seconds for the duration of that node, combined with the larger nodes affix this results in more XP and items per hour overall.


There are currently 11 talents available for fishing, these are only usable after maxing fishing and other skills to get talent points, some don't even unlock until mastery 15.

  • Gathering Master - Your mastery of gathering gives you a chance to gather more resources!
  • Gathering Grandmaster - Your mastery of gathering gives you a chance to gather more resources!

These two are great for gatherers in general, it's Empowered Gathering so it doesn't even require nature runes.

  • Fishing Prodigy - You're a natural at fishing! Increases your fishing effective level by 10.

Simple +10 to fishing elevel, decent time save with no drawback.

  • Shrimp Student - Deep study of the true rulers of the sea has given you an insight to the fickle nature of the waters. Increases your effective fishing level by 30 but decreases your mining and foraging levels by 10.

Similar to above with the trade-off being slower mining and foraging. Still worthwhile if you mainly do fishing.

  • Fishing Grandmaster - You're the uncontested master of fishing. Increases your fishing effective level by 5%.

Another level boost with no drawback. This ones a multiplier so it becomes more valuable the higher you augment your equipment.

  • Fantastic Fiber Finder - Increases your Fiber Finder by 3.
  • Oil Rig - Grants you 1 level of Oil Spill, giving you a 7.5% chance to try and extract fish oil from a caught fish.

These two will be dependent on what you want out of fishing. Fiber Finder is a decent boost to your fiber per hour but oil rig at level one is only a small amount of oil per hour. Even so it's a decent passive source without having to dedicate your tacklebox to it.

  • It Belongs in a Museum - Grants you 1 level of Archaeology, giving you access to an additional loot table while Gathering.

Not the biggest buff considering end game you can have arch 8 on another tool but if you have the points to spare its a little extra gold per hour on the side.

  • Rough Seas Fishing - Grants you 1 level of Fishing, increasing your fish catch chance by 2.5%.

Not really worth getting. Catch chance cannot go above 100% and by the time you even have this unlocked you should have been at 100% chance for 40 levels.

  • Fishing Shard Mastery I-III - Grants you +1-4 levels of Fishing Shard Master, giving you up to +120% chance to generate an additional shard.

If you're fishing for the long haul these talents are a must have to make auging your gear less painful.

Okay, I want to read the detailed guide


This isn’t intended to be the best or the fastest route to maxing fishing. This is just a general guide that I wrote as I was fishing on a fresh account in the seasonal mode that was testing the new XP curve for 1.0. I will be making updates to this if I come across anything else or anything is changed for the launch of 1.0. Since writing this there are now new baits available as well as 2 new enchantments for boots / gloves. I will be revising this as I play through v1.0

Doing nothing but fishing to 99 is entirely possible but not recommended. There are a lot of roadblocks in terms of gear progression you would have to grind skills or spend money for. This will of course be different if you are not playing on iron man or if the market is well stocked with items and gear. The optional sections in each section will typically be things you can achieve by spending money on the market to level faster.

The common theme you will see throughout this guide is increasing all 4 fishing stats where possible and boosting your success chance to 100%, which in turn reduces your action times and improves your chances to succeed. All this will improve the rate at which you get XP.

I have money to burn

I made this guide without using the market and there are a few steps you can take to progress even faster covered here. It all depends on how much money you want to sink into the skill to do so. If the following suggestions are within your budget then you will want to:

  • Buy the highest slot boots or gloves you can afford and wear and add the Fishing enchant to them. If you do this and you can reach 100% success chance without the tacklebox affix refer to the affix section and affix your tacklebox accordingly.
  • Keep buying smelly meat / hardened hook bait to use unless you need more bait power to reach 100% success chance.
  • Buy the highest tier of tacklebox you have the fishing level to be able to equip and augment it to at least +5 and affix.
  • You can buy the fishing equipment to wear from the start and it will greatly help you if you can convince someone with the shards to sell you one.

I didn't really use buffs in my play-through because I didn't want to bother managing them but you can buy / cook potions for Reinforced Line and Pungent Bait. The Fishing buff from Honey can also be useful for boosting your success chance but you will need so much of it that its an expensive way to improve your chances compared to just getting the affix/enchant.

Level 0

There are a few "side-quests" we can do to reduce the pain of early game fishing before we start. The biggest time sink involved in fishing is failing an action (especially a node search), which is fairly common early on. Increasing our success chance is the biggest time save we can make to improve our XP per hour.


The first thing you’re going to want to do is all the tutorial quests. These will give you the Tier 1 tools for skills as well as some XP to start off with.

You’re also going to want to make 25 Basic Runic Dust so that you can get the "Successful Fisher" affix on your Apprentice Tacklebox from the quest rewards. If you get a particularly bad roll you can make more dust and scrap to re-roll this once or twice but don’t obsess over getting a perfect roll.

Buy / Farm / Gather 100 or so bait of any type.

If possible you also want to try and get your crafting to at least level 5 first so that you are able to produce your own bait through either the Shrimp Tail Bait recipe or by Preparing fish into Filleted Fish and crafting worm bins. I cannot understate the importance of having bait, especially in the first 40 levels or so. It is the easiest source of fishing stats and by extension the easiest way to boost your success chance to save time.


Augmenting your tacklebox to +4/+5 isn’t hard to do and gives a nice buff to your stats/chances/times.

You likely won’t have the enchanting level or materials to do so but putting Pungent Bait on the tacklebox will bump up the success chance too. Personally I’d save doing this for the second tacklebox.

Getting gloves / boots with Naturalist on them is a nice way to build up fibers early on by opening chests on the way to level 85 but can be a bit pricey for little pay off in the skill before 85.

Level 1 - 10

If you have no bait at this point the first thing you’ll want to do is get an initial buffer going (see bait section). If nothing else the bare minimum you want is the earthworm bait from the General Shop to reduce the chance of wasting time failing a search / gather.

The core loop you do at this stage is pretty simple since there's only one fishing zone. Fish in the Shallow Pond > turn shrimp into Shrimp Tail Bait > use shrimp bait to fish in the shallow pond. Shrimp bait also gives bonus rarity which improves your chances of finding better nodes such as the "oops! All shrimp!" node which helps feed into this loop.

You can also prepare caught Anchovies into Filleted Fish and make worm bins to farm for more bait. Anchovies can also be crafted into Fish Guts Bait but it's very expensive to turn 9 of them into 3 bait compared to a worm bin and requires a much higher crafting level.

If possible you want to try and always have at least 3/4 worm bins on your farm at this stage while you are fishing to make bait.

Recommended: Fish in Shallow pond Turn shrimp into shrimp tail bait Prepare anchovies and craft into worm bins

Optional: Save anchovies for quests that can accept them

Level 11 - 20

See level 1-10. The only thing you need to think about after reaching level 10 is whether you want to invest time / money into the next tier of tacklebox. If you do, try to augment it to at least the point where it has more stats than your previous one (typically +2/3). Augmenting to +5 would be best. Don’t forget to get the success chance affix.

Optional: Craft a Basic Tacklebox, affix with success chance, enchant with Pungent Bait at some point, augment to +5

Level 21 - 30

I found that even with a lower success chance moving up to the next zone immediately is more XP per hour. The only problem you run into at this stage is you no longer get shrimp or anchovies. If you level your cooking this isn't a huge problem and you can continue to make worm bins however the only other option that isn't the market is leveling crafting to make fish guts and doing so only gives 3 bait per craft which isn't great. If you don’t have a good surplus of bait / worm bins before switching zones you will run out. Staying in Shallow Pond for a few levels is still a decent option and is what I did at this stage

Recommended: Craft a Basic tacklebox, affix with success chance, enchant with pungent bait, augment to +5 Fish in Shallow Pond to build bait before moving to Lazy River

Optional: Equip a bag of holding to start stocking up on fibers for gear augments Augmenting this to +4 will give you a +1 to all fishing stats

Level 31 - 40

At this point you do want to move on to Lazy River if you haven’t already. The next tier of tacklebox is available and is of course an upgrade for faster fishing however I used the second tacklebox until level 50 with no issues. The Advanced Tacklebox comes with an additional enchant and affix slot. If you want to save dust you can randomly roll the second slot after getting the success chance affix again but I would recommend getting a + yield affix if you can so you can make more bait from more fish.

Even having a yield affix doesn’t guarantee extra resources though so a bag of holding at this point will help you out more.

There's only really one "bad" option for random rolling, the bonus rarity is the least impactful affix you can get at this stage but even that will still help you with getting better drops.

Optional: Equip a Advanced Tacklebox, affix with success chance if needed, augment to +5 and enchant with Pungent Bait if you still aren’t at 100% success chance otherwise take Reinforced Line for faster gather times. If you have a yield affix equip a Bag of Holding

Level 40 - 49

Same core loop as in 31 - 40, still stuck in Lazy River.

Optional: Equip a Pro Tacklebox, around this tier you probably no longer need the success chance affix after you augment it. If this is the case refer to the affix section Enchant with Reinforced Line if you only care for XP otherwise refer to the enchantments section.

Level 50

This is such a huge break-point for fishing that I made it an entire section. At level 50 you can start the fishing set quest. You should accept this as soon as you can and get started on the quest requirements (10,000 fishing actions) upon completion you receive 1000 fishing shards and if you have level 50 crafting you are now able to craft the fishing set. With the reward shards and time taken to reach this step you will easily have enough shards to make all 3 pieces and you should prioritize doing so. Just wearing it gives you +12% bait preservation and 3 levels of Pungent Bait and reinforced line. Also you receive a flat 15% stat bonus (before bait bonuses) which is nice but not as impactful as it is later in the skill. The main thing at this stage is the inherent enchants.

These enchants do not stack with the tacklebox so if you haven't made one with more than 3 slots yet bear in mind that enchanting it will achieve nothing unless you replace the same enchant on the fishing gear. You could at this stage replace the Reinforced Line piece enchant with oil spill or fiber finder if you keep putting Reinforced Line on your tacklebox but until level 90 or so it's honestly not worth the loss of fish per hour.

Farming 2 worm bins is enough to be roughly self sustaining with the fishing sets bait preservation

Recommended: Level crafting to 50 and equip this set as soon as possible

Level 51 - 65

At level 50 you unlock the lake, this zone is double the XP per action with a minimal time increase and you should move into it as soon as you can. At this point you should be working towards making an Advanced Tacklebox at minimum if you haven’t already.

The issue with this zone is that the only catchable fish are not currently usable in crafting bait without preparing them into worm bins. Without relying on the market the only option you have is to level your cooking high enough to prepare them (lv38 min) bait sustainability really starts to struggle the most in this zone but the increase in XP is so large that you want to fish here regardless for faster leveling to the level 65 zone.

Depending on your gear you may even be able to reach 100% chance at this stage without using bait at all, while obviously slower than fishing with bait if you are reaching 100% the lost time is not as significant as the XP hit from fishing in a lower zone with bait and you can power through to 65 to get tuna and sharks that you can craft into fish guts.

Recommended: Equip an Advanced Tacklebox, affix with success chance if needed, enchant with Pungent Bait / Reinforced Line if you don't have the fishing set yet, augment to +5

Optional: Equip a Supreme Tacklebox, affixing this is expensive even if you randomly roll. You shouldn't need the success chance affix at this tier. I would randomly roll it and hope for the best, maybe even try a few randoms before augmenting if you feel like it.

Level 65 - 85

Open Ocean is available. You're able to craft Fish Guts Bait again in this zone but it's a bad amount compared to worm bins. Luckily at this stage you start to have enough Bait Preservation that crafting it doesn’t result in a net loss.

If you somehow have high bonus rarity at this point or use Mysterious Bait you can get tentacle meat from this zone but it's not really a resource worth aiming for at this stage. It’s not a great source of crafting XP with the rate you get it at and you are still at a stats disadvantage fishing with tent bait at this stage.

I did this stage with a t3 Tacklebox with no real issues because I didn't want to spend time grinding elsewhere but I would recommend making the Pro Tacklebox.

Recommended: Equip a Pro Tacklebox, enchant with [Reinforced Line]], augment to +5.

Level 85 - 99

The Stormy Seas zone is now unlocked. Basically the same as open ocean with a 10XP per action gain, ancient kelp if you have enough rarity, and dangerous encounters as a time sink / bait source.

The times per action are the same as in Open Ocean but the node success chance is lower. A +3 Pro Tacklebox with +2 fishing equipment and Glowbug Bait was enough for me to reach 100% chance in this zone at lv89.

The issue with this zone you will run into is likely to be having a low bonus rarity, the delay penalties from encounters are not worthwhile without having the rarity needed to gather Ancient Kelp. This is due to kelp being needed to augment the fishing gear you should be wearing and giving +1 to all stats.

To solve this you will either need to improve your gear or use higher tiers of bait. Saving mysterious bait for this stage is a good way to gather the initial kelp you need to start improving your fishing set.

Because it's a dangerous location you have a chance of running into simulated combat encounters. This results in delays of up to 30s at random times while skilling here (for me it ranged between 2 to 21 minutes). You don’t currently need to have high combat stats to be able to fish here but it is helpful to have the fishing set before fishing in Stormy Seas as well as having a Camo Cloak to reduce the likelihood of them occurring and the delay time itself. As the encounters drop bait you may even want to consider a Flamboyant Cape to increase the amount you run into however I wouldn’t recommend this.

This zone is one of the most important to have a Bag of Holding for especially if you have low rarity so you can maximize the amount of kelp you receive.

Recommended: Get a Camo Cloak. Use myst bait where possible to gather the ancient kelp needed for +5 set (1650 total). Augment your fishing gear every time you have enough to do so up to +5. Aim for a Supreme Tacklebox.

Level 99+

Congrats! You have now maxed fishing!

At this point a lot of people vow never to touch the skill again but if for some reason you want to continue then spend this time saving up fishing shards to make the Ocean's Embrace.

After this, it's basically up to you. Check out other sections on this page such as the specializing or talents sections.

It wasn’t really relevant for most of the guide, but if you are going to main fishing you will want to get some Naturalist boots or gloves to start getting the ancient chests. These when opened have around a 10% chance to give you a component for the OE which are needed to craft base versions you will need if you augment it past +5.

Around here, with the full set bonus, you may start benefiting from tentacle bait. Equip it and see what happens to your stats. 

Happy Fishing!

Frequently Asked Questions

  • I have enough Bonus Rarity for an item but it's not dropping?

Annoyingly its not as simple as just reaching the minimum. The short version is you need to just have your rarity stat as high as you can over the minimum to make the drops more common. For information to do this see the Bonus Rarity section above

  • What combat stats / gear do I need to fish in stormy seas?

Surprisingly none, having gear and stats will reduce the length of the penalty though. Check out the Dangerous Encounters page for more info.

Miscellaneous Tips

- Fishing in Stormy Seas and constantly crafting tentacle bait is a great source of crafting XP.

- Doing runecrafting with the fibers you fish has a chance to give ancient cloth fragments, key pieces for the fishing dungeon. Completing the dungeon is the only other source of shards.

- Fishing yield affixes can allow you to get 2 fish per gather action but this is not guaranteed. This stacks with the Fishy Fortune enchant for up to 4 fish if you're lucky.

- Worm bins are an excellent source of crafting XP and preparing your fish to make them is also a good source of cooking XP.

- Crafting components for the Ocean's Embrace out of fishing shards is very expensive compared to using the shards to augment the gear itself. Try to get needed pieces from Ancient Treasures instead.