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DescriptionGives access to a secondary drop table while gathering with rewards and chances heavily scaling on enchantment strength. The best finds are only found in the hardest to reach zones!
Scroll of Archaeology
SlotTacklebox (8) Pickaxe (8) Hatchet (8) Fishing Set (3) Mining Set (3) Foraging Set (3)
Rune Amount50
Rune TypeNature Rune Nature Rune, Water Rune Water Rune, Earth Rune Earth Rune

Archaeology grants the player a chance to access a secondary drop table while gathering with rewards and chances heavily scaling on enchantment strength.

This enchantment works even when it is not on the piece of equipment that relates to your current gathering action. For example, with Archeology enchanted on a Tacklebox and equipped, you can still get Archaeology rewards from Mining and Foraging

The strength of the enchantment can be increased with the Greater Archaeology affix.


Scrollcrafting Scroll Slot Level Silver Rune 1 Rune 2 Rune 3 Rune 4 Rune 5 Effect
Scroll of Archaeology Tacklebox, Pickaxe, Hatchet, Fishing Set, Mining Set, Foraging Set 59 500 50 Nature Rune Nature Rune 50 Water Rune Water Rune 50 Earth Rune Earth Rune - - Gives access to a secondary drop table while gathering with rewards and chances heavily scaling on enchantment strength. The best finds are only found in the hardest to reach zones!

Archaeology Table

The chance for archeology to activate is the base duration of the location that you are gathering in in milliseconds divided by 3,000,000. Therefore every location will see the same amount of activations per time spent. When it activates it will roll up to different items from the archaeology table. In theory each gathering skill has its own archaeology table, but they are identical at the moment. Items roll in ascending order of their chance.

Item Amount Minimum Duration (ms) Chance Per Strength
Gold Gold 1 - 5000 0 0.25
Bone Bone 1 - 5 0 0.25
Old Coins Old Coins 1 - 5 0 0.1
Primitive Coin Primitive Coin 1 - 4 0 0.075
Broken Armaments Broken Armaments 1 - 4 0 0.075
Dwarven Coins Dwarven Coins 1 - 3 5000 0.05
Ancient Armor Scraps Ancient Armor Scraps 1 - 2 5000 0.05
Unknown Rune Unknown Rune 1 - 2 5000 0.025
Ornate Trinket Ornate Trinket 1 - 2 6000 0.015
Demonic Statue Demonic Statue 1 - 1 8000 0.01
Unstable Talisman Unstable Talisman 1 - 1 10000 0.001
A Diamond Plated Bug A Diamond Plated Bug 1 - 1 12500 0.0001