Essence Concentration

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Essence Concentration
Essence Concentration
DescriptionIncreases the number of runes crafted per action by 1 as well as increases essence cost by 25%.
Scroll of Essence Concentration
SlotGloves (7) Boots (7) Chisel (8) Runecrafting Set (3)
Rune Amount70
Rune TypeCosmic Rune Cosmic Rune, Mind Rune Mind Rune, Chaos Rune Chaos Rune

Essence Concentration grants the player an increase in the number of runes crafted per action by 1 as well as an increase in essence cost by 25%.

It should be noted that Essence Concentration is multiplicative and calculated after Runecrafting (Enchantment) and before the Dwarven Manufacturing Pendant or Elven Logistics Pendant in terms of essence cost. In addition to this, the Essence Concentration Expert and Master Talents are additive to Essence Concentration, effectively giving 2 levels with no drawback.


Scrollcrafting Scroll Slot Level Silver Rune 1 Rune 2 Rune 3 Rune 4 Rune 5 Effect
Scroll of Essence Concentration Gloves, Boots, Chisel, Runecrafting Set 59 700 70 Cosmic Rune Cosmic Rune 70 Mind Rune Mind Rune 70 Chaos Rune Chaos Rune - - Increases the number of runes crafted per action by 1 as well as increases essence cost by 25%.