Skilling Shard

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All currently acquirable shards

Skilling Shard's are a unique, untradeable item that drops at a base rate of 1 every 5 minutes whenever a player is doing most skills. Without buffs, players receive these at the same rate regardless of their skill level, the gathering zone being used, or the skilling action the player is doing. Skilling Shard's can also be received as a reward for completing certain quests and clearing Skilling Dungeons.

Shards are used for two types of crafting recipes: equippable skilling gear and the skill's respective legendary tool. They are also used in the augmentation of both of these.

The skills that produce shards are:

Skilling Gear

There are skilling gear sets for all of the previously mentioned skills except for farming. These all have the same base shard cost of 1350 shards per complete set (around 112.5 hours of skilling). Production skills also require additional materials such as Bleached Cloth Bleached Cloth / Academy Wards Academy Wards / Lava Heart Lava Heart which drop from their respective Skilling Dungeons.

There is no level requirement for equipping this gear, and each set is purchasable from the market. Each Skilling Gear set has its own quest that is required to unlock the crafting recipe. These quests are unlocked at level 50 in each skill. The gathering skill quests require 10,000 actions after accepting, while the production skills require only 3,000. Upon completion, each quest gives 1,000 of their respective shards, making it so you will have enough shards to craft the skilling gear set.

Legendary Tool

Every skill that produces shards has a legendary tool. They have 8 enchantment slots and the highest effective level buffs for the skill. The base costs for these vary, and the recipes are also locked behind quests. These quests follow the same structure, being called "Legendary [Toolname]" and require the respective Skilling Gear quest to be completed before being unlockable. Each quest will require you to either clear or turn in a key for the relevant Skilling Dungeon for stage 1 and then turn in 9,000 shards (24,000 for farming) to complete the quest. Upon completion you receive your first copy of the legendary tool, and unlock the recipe for crafting more (needed to augment past +5).

Skill Dungeons

Upon defeating the boss of the Skilling Dungeon 25-50 shards for each related skill will drop. With 50 being a rare drop but more likely the higher the key difficulty is.

Nature Atheneum

  • 25 Foraging Shards
  • 25 Farming Shards

Abandoned Academy Base

  • 25 Fishing Shards
  • 25 Runecrafting Shards

Dwarven Research Station

  • 25 Mining Shards
  • 25 Smithing Shards

Master Chicken's Kitchen

  • 25 Cooking Shards

Relevant Buffs

There are three buffs that are able to help in shard generation. Researcher's Boon, Adventurer's Boon, and Scholar.

Researcher's Boon increases the shard generation rate by 10% per level applied. This buff is only available by spending platinum on a server wide buff.

Adventurer's Boon gives a 10% chance per level to generate an additional skilling shard. This buff can be acquired through either Newbie Adventurer's Backpack for level one or Dwarven Adventurer's Backpack for level two, as well as being purchasable in the platinum shop.

Scholar replaces one of the items you gather / produce every 6 to 37 minutes with a relevant shard (depending on enchant strength).

Relevant Affixes

Two rare tier affixes are available on Cape items to give up to a 5% additive bonus chance to generate shards. These are split into Gathering and Production skills.