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''This combat guide is written by Mageofpie to help new players who are unsure on how to get started with combat and to provide a smooth path throughout early game combat. This guide is intended for brand new accounts and while you may be able to accelerate your progress through it, it is completely viable for a brand-new account and does NOT require any other skills to be trained and can comfortably have you AFK training at City within 24 hours of account creation.''
This Combat Guide is written in order to help players travel through combat as optimally as possible. It will be broken into four sections: A guide on how combat works, then guides for each respective combat skill, Melee, Range and Magic.
''This version is slightly edited to better fit the wiki format. Original can be found at'' https://docs.google.com/document/d/1cIUozuMG2ZtAdnzbnr6HpeTrBRQaZmYd_HxM07puMBs/edit.
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==How Does Combat Work?==
There are four styles of combat that you can choose to do: melee, ranged, magic, or hybrid. Melee makes use of melee weapons (such as scimitars and daggers). Ranged makes use of ranged weapons (such as longbows and crossbows). Magic makes use of magic weapons (such as staffs and wands). Hybrid utilizes 2 or more of the above skills with weapons that provide hybrid statistics (such as Shapeless Scythe)
==Part one - Farm & Caves==
===Player, Equipment Stats, and Skills===
Both your equipment and your skill levels decide how effective you are in combat. You must know how they work in order to make effective loadouts. Combat is broken into six skills, each with their own experience and how to earn it.
===AFK start===
If you want to AFK combat, I recommend starting with mining or foraging and selling the items gathered until you can afford the recommended gear and an inventory worth of some basic healing food. It will drastically reduce the effort required on your part. Alternatively, for an in-between strategy, you can let your player fight at the farm until he runs out of HP, at which point your character will be returned to an “Idle” status. While you wait for your HP to regenerate, you can spend this time mining or foraging.
===non-AFK start===
*Constitution: Earned when other Combat experience is earned.
Unfortunately, if you are a new player, even the low-level zones deal damage to you. For new accounts, you have an AFK and a not so AFK way of training combat. The non-AFK start requires you to be active for the first hour of gameplay or so, which will drastically speed up combat progress.
*Attack: Landing hits in Combat. Defense: Taking, mitigating and dodging damage in Combat.
*Strength: Dealing damage with Melee related skills.
*Magic: Dealing damage with Magic related skills.
*Ranged: Dealing damage with Ranged related skills.
This will involve running away from Cows during combat. Most of the damage you will take doing the first region will be from Cows, so my suggestion is to avoid them entirely for the first few levels of combat. There is a run button in the top right corner of the Combat interface, and I recommend you press it whenever you encounter a cow, which can be quite regularly. You may also want to run from Goblins if you encounter too many. As soon as you run click back on Farm for a new encounter.
Experience for each combat skill is rewarded on monster kill, so dying before defeating a mob will reward no experience.
===The Offensive Stats===
The most ideal monster to encounter is a chicken, which regularly drops a raw chicken when you kill it. These can be sold on the market, however you can immediately vendor it for 75gp by clicking on it in your inventory and selling it. There is usually cheap “Seared Fish” on the market that you want to buy with this money.  “Seared Fish+3” or “Seared Fish+4” is ideal. Every extra level on the Seared Fish will add 1 to how much HP it heals you for.  Buying these will require that you verify your email address as it is required to use the marketplace.
*'''Strength''' (Melee), '''Dexterity''' (Ranged), and '''Intelligence''' (Magic) are the main offensive stats and modify your overall damage for their respective fields. They are also affected by Combat Skill Levels ('''Strength''', '''Ranged''', and '''Magic''').
*'''Crit Chance''' is your chance to hit an enemy for Critical damage, when you do hit a crit, it'll add damage based off your '''Crit Multiplier'''. Having a Crit Chance of 30% and a Crit Mult of 50% means that you have a 30% chance on hit to do 50% more damage.
*'''Accuracy''' is what decides your hit chance against the enemy. There are several different types of accuracy, where the types of abilities you use will be affected by those. For example the ability 'Fireball' will make use of Magic Accuracy and Fire Accuracy.
By selling your chickens for 75gp, you should be able to afford food that will allow you to stay in combat. When you buy food from the marketplace, it will go directly into your inventory. You MUST click on the item in your inventory and choose the “Add to Combat Inventory” option for your character to use it to heal themselves in combat.
===The Defensive Stats===
By using this strategy, you will only need to gain 1-2 levels in each combat skill before you should build up a supply of food to keep you going through combat. At this point you can start killing cows as they are also the most profitable monster to kill in the zone and you will not have any trouble defeating them. Cows have an uncommon drop of “Milk” that sells quite well on the market. However, be sure to check prices on all your monster drops as prices in Idlescape can be quite volatile.
*'''Protection''' is your physical damage reduction. Any melee or ranged damage that an enemy hits you with will be reduced using this value.
*'''Resistance''' is your magic damage reduction. Any magic damage that an enemy hits you with will be reduced using this value.
*'''Agility''' is used to calculate your dodge chance. The higher this value is, the less likely it is that an enemy will be able to hit you.
*'''Stamina''' determines the value of your total health, in addition to your '''Constitution''' level
As you take less and less damage, you should start building up a small gold reserve, which I recommend using to start buying your first pieces of gear, prioritising a Bronze weapon. A scimitar is ideal as it allows you to equip a shield while still attacking fairly fast which is generally considered better for training. Things will start to slow down at this point as with a full inventory of food and stats that are improving fairly quickly, you will find you take little damage at farm with just 1 or 2 pieces of Bronze armour.
Affinities are used in calculating your effectiveness for each subclass of combat, both for offense and defense. A good example of this are Breatplates, which give a high amount of negative offensive affinities, but lots of positive defensive affinities in return. This makes them very effective at tanking, but not good at outputting damage. Affinities are added together from item to item (ex. a fire amulet provides +15% fire affinity, which would be added with the +35% fire affinity given by the Mantle of Flame to give a total fire affinity of +50%). Affinities can increase or decrease your total effectiveness in combat, but not as drastically as it first seems. Each ability used takes an average of all styles used in an ability.
When you have gained a few levels and start to take minimal damage in Farm, you can start to slow sell your items on the marketplace as money is no longer of critical importance. When selling to players you will generally get a better deal, however you will have to wait for someone to buy them.
Player Stats: +50% magic affinity,, +115% fire affinity
By the end of your first hour, you should be around level 8-9 in your combat stats, and with 1-2 pieces of bronze armour you should find that you take very little damage at all at Farm now. With an inventory of food, you could leave the game for a while and return at your leisure and your character will continue fighting for up to 12 hours or until you run out of food and/or HP.
Ability Being Used: Fireball (1x Magic, 1.33x Fire) {abilityIcon(abilitiesIds.fire_ball)}
With this setup you should now also be able to comfortably do combat in the Caves. There are both advantages and disadvantages of doing combat in the caves. With Chicken and Beef prices around 200-300 apiece, farm is consistent money, at around 75k an hour. However, Imps in the caves have a rare drop of a Mind Rune, and caves has a significantly higher encounter rate of Goblins, which drop the ladle variants. Ladles are highly sought after since they help with cooking so they are always quite valuable, however, without hitting either of these drops you will only be making a consistent 35k an hour. While ladles and mind runes are rare, Caves can be worth the investment. Remember to compare prices between areas as the core items from each have frequent price swings. For the sake of consistency with this guide the accounts I have used for testing remained at Farm.
(Magicaffinity x Magicmultiplier1 + Fireaffinity x Firemultiplier2) / 2
===Equipment goal for step one===
Get the at least the following combat equipment as soon as you can afford it. Approximate cost is 30 to 40k. Sometimes the same gear is cheaper in Iron, as low-level gear is often resold at a fraction of the cost price of making it. You will be level 10 in all Combat skills before being able to afford all of this so pieces can be substituted for iron.
{| class="wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
|<img src="https://idlescape.com/images/combat/equipment/rune_scimitar_icon.png" alt="One_Hand"  width="42">
|<img src="https://idlescape.com/images/combat/equipment/bronze_scimitar_icon.png" alt="Bronze Scimitar" width="42">
|Bronze Scimitar
|<img src="https://idlescape.com/images/combat/equipment/bronze_platebody.png" alt="Bronze Platebody" width="42">
|Bronze platebody
|<img src="https://idlescape.com/images/combat/equipment/bronze_platelegs.png" alt="Bronze platelegs" width="42">
|Bronze Platelegs
|<img src="https://idlescape.com/images/combat/equipment/bronze_shield_icon.png" alt="Bronze Shield" width="42">
|Bronze Shield
|<img src="https://idlescape.com/images/combat/equipment/bronze_boots_icon.png" alt="Bronze Boots" width="42">
|Bronze Boots
===Summary of combat zones===
'''Farm Summary:'''
'''Notable Drops:'''
(1.00 x 1.50 + 1.33 x 2.15) / 2
Raw chicken, Raw Beef, Egg, Milk, Goblin Brain, Ladles (Extremely rare)
'''Approximate Income:''' 75k an hour (Potentially more with a very rare ladle drop)
Effectiveness = 2.179
''This guide is featured in-game under the combat information symbol.''
'''Caves Summary:'''
'''Notable Drops:'''
Burnt Fish, Goblin Brain, Ashes, Tin Ore, Copper Ore, Various Runes, Ladles
'''Approximate Income:''' 35k an hour (Potentially significantly more with Mind Runes/Ladles)
Now that you know everything you need for Farm & Caves, it’s time to AFK. We need to get our stats up and make some money for equipment before we can move on to the City. Our goals are listed below.
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Melee is a skill that... (needs to be updated)
This guide is intended to help players understand many of the nuances of the ranged combat, it will target the different difficulties and strenghts of the ranged combat skill.
==Gear and Enchants==
=='''Part Two – City'''==
All the ranged gear is made from foraging ressources so unless you want to buy everything or play NGIM, foraging as your main task beside fighting is recommended.
===Equipment goal for city===
Get the following combat equipment as soon as you can afford it. Approximate cost is 350 to 400k. In most of the slots we are skipping obsidian armour as in most cases Mithril is actually cheaper and as we no longer take damage in Farm/Caves we can afford to wait until 30 Combat stats to upgrade. Aside from this you should attempt to get an obsidian shield with healing 5.
{| class="wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
|<img src="https://idlescape.com/images/combat/equipment/rune_scimitar_icon.png" alt="One_Hand"  width="42">
|<img src="https://idlescape.com/images/combat/equipment/mithril_scimitar_icon.png" alt="Bronze Scimitar" width="42">
|Mithril Scimitar
|<img src="https://idlescape.com/images/combat/equipment/mithril_platebody.png" alt="Bronze Platebody" width="42">
|Mithril platebody
|<img src="https://idlescape.com/images/combat/equipment/mithril_platelegs.png" alt="Bronze platelegs" width="42">
|Mithril Platelegs
|<img src="https://idlescape.com/images/combat/equipment/mithril_full_helm.png" alt="mithril full helm" width="42">
|Mithril Full helm
|<img src="https://idlescape.com/images/combat/equipment/mithril_boots_icon.png" alt="Bronze Boots" width="42">
|Mithril Boots
'''Obsidian Shield with Healing 5 Enchant'''
''Approximate cost: 800k to 2M''
We will be taking an obsidian shield as the benefit of obsidian gear over mithril gear is that it has 5 slots available for enchants.  The reason why new players struggle with City is often that they lack a healing enchant. The healing enchant '''dramatically''' boosts health regeneration rate and we want to have 5 healing scrolls on our obsidian shield ASAP, and this will cost MUCH more than the rest of the equipment combined.
In some cases, you can find obsidian shields on the market that already have the Healing 5 enchant for a huge discount rather than buying Healing scrolls and making your own. Because it is by far our biggest expense, I would recommend buying it last. It is likely that we will not have this item by the time we start doing city, however it will be our highest priority to obtain to extend our trips. If you ask in the general chat channel, players are often willing to make scrolls for you at their cost price.
*Click on the ranged tab in the crafting menu and choose a set you can afford.
'''Time to Regen 1HP = 60 / (1 + 0.5 x Healing Enchant)'''
*All the armor sets require ressources from traps which can be crafted in the farming tab.
'''Level 1 Healing enchant = 40s'''
*As soon as you are strong enough for the Elven Encampment combat you can get crystal scales or the armor pieces dropped by the enemies.
'''Level 2 Healing enchant = 30s'''
'''Level 3 Healing enchant = 24s'''
There are one-handed and two-handed weapons for ranged damage. Usually the two-handed ones are better for damage while the one-handed leave room for a defensive offhand item and have more accuracy.
'''Level 4 healing enchant = 20s'''
*Use the shortbow for more damage in areas where accuracy is not needed and the longbow in areas where enemies have a lot of agility.
'''Level 5 Healing enchant = 17s'''
*Use the one-handed weapons if you plan on taking the damage in duo zones so you can equip a shield.
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Other useful gear:
===City Stats Goals:===
*Hunters Band is a great item for damage and accuracy with a good spell to use if you have enough agility to spare for damage.
''30 Attack, Strength & Defence''
It should take approximately 9 hours to reach 30 in your combat stats at Farm, and you should have acquired quite a bit of loot to go with it. An account that camped Farm until 30 combat stats will receive a little over 700 Raw Chicken & Raw Beef, 150 Milk & roughly 300 eggs. Selling these on the market will give you enough money to buy all the necessary Mithril armour, however it will not cover the shield (With Healing). While waiting for them to sell, continue to AFK and gain some more EXP.
*Bestial Shawl gives you agility and more ranged affinity.
It is time to upgrade food a bit at this stage. Seared Fish is still likely your best option, with 14-15 healing fish selling in the range of 300gp each. A full inventory of fish for 8400gp is a tiny cost to be farming City and I would recommend getting a small collection of some food ready in advance. If you are willing to pay a small premium, you can usually find fish that heal 20 health for around 1,000gp.
*Air Amulet has usefull spells and a bit of extra damage.
We should now be entering City with Mithril gear and an Obsidian Shield that has none or some healing. While you are not well enough equipped to AFK the city for long periods of time, City is an incredible source of income in comparison to the previous two areas. Both the Guards and Black Knights that you fight in the area drop significant amounts of gold. Black Knights also have access to a great item drop table. They drop Mithril boots that can be immediately sold for 60,000 and they drop all Obsidian items. Some obsidian items have a chance to transform into very valuable items and are worth a lot of money while some are simply worth immediately selling for GP. Be sure to check the market prices for each obsidian item you receive!
*Magic Quiver/Elven Quiver are also a good source for extra damage and accuracy.
'''Items to look out for:'''
*Reinforcement to increase your agility since dodging is the main part of surviving as a ranged user.
'''Obsidian Helmet: 1.5M+'''
*Resistance for the combat areas where ranged damage is the most effective like Fallen Academy or Lava Maze.
'''Obsidian Full Helmet: 2M+'''
*Patience for spells like Deadshot.
'''Obsidian Greatsword: 1M+'''
*Critical strike on your weapon.
'''Gems: Rubies (100-250K), Diamonds (200-300K), Black Opals (4M+, Extremely rare)'''
*On the offhand you can go Finesse for extra damage or Fortitude for more survivability.
(These prices vary however the items are always desirable.)
The endgame gear consists of the Royal Elven Set, Elven Quiver, Bestial Shawl, Air Amulet, Awakened World Shapers and Elven Boots. For the ring you can choose between Hunter Band and Devourers Band, depending on ur budget/liking. The weapons of choice are either Elven King Longbow for much damage and accuracy or Forgotten Sadness and Shrimp Stinger for more survivability from the Soul Steal ability.
Depending on your RNG (Number of Black Knight encounters, how spaced apart they are etc) your trip length in this gear will vary. I would expect 75-90 minute trips initially and as you level up and add more healing to your shield this will drastically increase.
===Ability Rotation===
You will have to pay some attention to the game at this point, refilling your combat inventory with food every 1-2 hours. If you started with an unaugmented obsidian shield, your goal will be to make enough money to buy the healing scrolls to add to your shield - providing that isn’t cheaper than waiting until you can outright afford a shield that already has Healing 5, if there are some on the market. If you are lucky with the above drops it may only take you a few inventories of food as Black Knights drop Obsidian Items fairly frequently.  
Always try to use an auto attack that fits your weapon like piercing ammo, even if you only crafted shoddy ammo yet. Also don´t forget to equip enough Ammunition or you will deal way less damage.
('''Note:''' If there are obsidian shields with healing on the market already and you want to save for them, you can substitute in a Mithril shield until you can afford it to lengthen your trips. While Mithril has slightly better defensive bonuses, it does not have the enchantment slots available which we desperately need.)
*Deadshot and Triple Shot should always be in your ability rotation.
This may take a few trips and you might get relatively lucky with item drops, or it may take the better part of a day, but not to fret as we will be in the City for quite a while. Even if you have to buy the scrolls one at a time to add to your shield, that is fine, combining that with stats increasing will start to extend your trips significantly.
*Use Sniping Stance if you do not need to tank the enemy hits or if you have enough agility to survive, if you take a lot of damage try using no stance.
With a few Obsidian drops you should be able to afford your shield fairly soon. In test runs I was able to get a shield for 850k off the market with Healing 5 in 7 hours of City, without any of the major Obsidian drops. If you are exceedingly unlucky and also have to craft your own, it could take up to 18 hours. Once you have your Healing shield, it is time to sit back as your trips should be quite long now. If you obtained the shield with stats below 40, trips will last 4 hours or while still using mediocre food.
*Put your stance at the end of your rotation since you do not need as much stacks as the ability gives.
'''If you need to go to bed or work''' and would like the account to run longer & have the money to spend, I highly recommend you invest into a handful of high healing Kebabs on the marketplace. Not only do players produce kebabs that have a 36+ HP Heal, but they also have a side effect of reducing incoming damage by 2 for the next 20 or so hits the monster deals to you. In some cases, this makes the food have an effective healing of 80+. This might seem like a big investment, however alternating your inventory with those and a high HP healing fish will extend your trip allowing for up to 12 hours of AFK time. As your levels quickly rise this will become unnecessary as you will heal just as fast as you are damaged negating the need for food almost entirely at this Combat area.
*Camouflage or Invisibility are great for tanking or solo combat.
'''EXAMPLE:''' <nowiki>https://gyazo.com/711ed69f76b9da7286017ebfc265d56a</nowiki>
===Talents and Affixes===
Now that we can AFK here and only need to check the accounts occasionally; we will start making quite a bit of money. There is a general gear progression guide below. Firstly, Rune Scimitar’s that have been enchanted to +5 are quite cheap so we will want to pick one of those up ASAP.
Useful Talents are:
At +5 a Rune Scimitar is no longer able to transform into a highly sought-after weapon and as such you can almost always get one at a significant discount and you should be able to afford one by level 50 Attack.
*Ammunition Overload and Ammunition Over-Overload
Next, you want to start acquiring your Rune Armour and Enchants. It will take some time, but that is fine as you want to raise your stats quite a bit for the next combat area. We are looking to gear ourselves with Full Rune Armour, including a shield as the obsidian shield has served us well, but a Rune Shield also has 5 slots available for the Healing Enchant. It does not matter which piece of armour you get as the Enchants we want are applicable to all of them.
*Piercing Ammo Specialisation if you are using the [[Elven King Longbow]]
'''The enchantments you want are: Recklessness 5, Critical Strike 5, Reinforcement 5 & Protection 5, in that order.''' If possible, I highly recommend making the extra money outright and buying pieces of rune armour that have already been augmented to +5 as our next upgrades beyond that are a significant distance away and you can often find Rune+5 armour pieces on the marketplace at reasonable prices. Obtaining each piece and enchant may take a day or two each. This is why you want to upgrade your weapon first and then get a Rune armour piece with Recklessness 5 enchanted on to it and then add Critical Strike to your Scimitar. These are all significant boosts to your DPS, which will in turn increase your income by a noticeable amount. As there is not a significant price difference between Rune and Stygian boots, I recommend skipping directly to Stygian boots and when you can afford to do so, enchant them with Treasure Hunter 6.
*Arrow Expenditure if you are using [[Forgotten Sadness]] and [[Shrimp Stinger]]
These gear goals are a stretch and will take some time however buying gear in between will set you back in the end as this is gear you want to be comfortably AFK farming Lava Maze in and start to explore the Valley of Giants. You will likely be able to transition to lava maze before having all of the enchants if you at least have Reinforcement as it is considered the strongest defensive enchantment. By alternating high healing fish and high healing kebabs I was able to stay for 2-2.5 hours at Lava Maze with only 2 pieces of Rune Armour & Reinforcement Enchant.
Affixes can be chosen to ones liking but stats like Agility and Protection/Resistance for the armor and Attackspeed and Critical Strike Chance/Damage for the weapon are preferred.
This guide will not cover Lava Maze and beyond as the Enchantments you are after do not really ever change from here on out other than a few choices you have.
===Preferred Combat Zones===
!) You may want a Rune Battleaxe to farm giants as they are weak to crush. You will also want to swap out Critical Strike on your weapon for Overhealing to extend trips.
The Zones weak to ranged damage are [[Fallen Academy]], [[Lava Maze]] and [[Elven Encampment]]
2) A King’s Crown has 8 slots and some people like to use Reinforcement 8 to help with survivability when killing Giants. Whether you get a Kalanahmatti or a Moss Maul, you are going to want Overhealing on them. If you have enough defence late-game you can use a Black Knight’s Great Helm at a high-augment to increase your DPS over a King’s Crown. You may also benefit from the Patience Enchantment as the slower the weapon the stronger it becomes. Your Enchants in this case will be: Recklessness, Reinforcement & Patience on your armour.
*[[Fallen Academy]] is the easiest of these three, where you can already do well with maple gear. It is usefull for some early game money or if you want to farm [[Ancient Stones]].
=== '''End of city goals''' ===
*[[Lava Maze]] is the main source for [[Ichor]] and [[Cursed Spade Heads]]. It is a quite difficult zone to survive especially after difficulty 9 so elven gear is recommended.
Attack/Strength/Defence 70+
*[[Elven Encampment]] is a zone where enemies have much agility, but is needed for the best armor and other ranged gear. Items like [[Hunters Band]] are recommended and the best gear you can bring, aswell as someone who can tank the big hits from enemies.
'''End of City/Lava Maze Gear Goals:'''
Rune Scimitar +5 (Critical Strike 5)
Rune Full helm +5 (Recklessness 5)
''- guide written by Schaftolas, the mighty Kiwi Ender.''
Rune Breastplate +5 (Reinforcement 5)
Magic is a skill that... (needs t be updated)
Rune Plate Leggings +5 (Protection 5)
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Rune Shield +5 (Healing 5) ('''2<sup>nd</sup> last''')
Stygian Boots (Treasure Hunter 6) '''(Get this last)'''
Approx Cost: 60-70M
== Test Account Time Stamps: ==
Achieve AFK Farm: 1 Hour
Reach 30/30/30 Combat Stats: 9 Hours
Time in city to afford Obsidian Shield w/Healing 5: 16 Hours 10 Mins
Stats when shield acquired: 37/37/37
First AFK session w/shield & 14 healing food: 3.5 hours
Second AFK alternating Kebabs & Fish: 20 Hours+

Latest revision as of 20:17, 26 May 2024

This Combat Guide is written in order to help players travel through combat as optimally as possible. It will be broken into four sections: A guide on how combat works, then guides for each respective combat skill, Melee, Range and Magic.

How Does Combat Work?

There are four styles of combat that you can choose to do: melee, ranged, magic, or hybrid. Melee makes use of melee weapons (such as scimitars and daggers). Ranged makes use of ranged weapons (such as longbows and crossbows). Magic makes use of magic weapons (such as staffs and wands). Hybrid utilizes 2 or more of the above skills with weapons that provide hybrid statistics (such as Shapeless Scythe)

Player, Equipment Stats, and Skills

Both your equipment and your skill levels decide how effective you are in combat. You must know how they work in order to make effective loadouts. Combat is broken into six skills, each with their own experience and how to earn it.

  • Constitution: Earned when other Combat experience is earned.
  • Attack: Landing hits in Combat. Defense: Taking, mitigating and dodging damage in Combat.
  • Strength: Dealing damage with Melee related skills.
  • Magic: Dealing damage with Magic related skills.
  • Ranged: Dealing damage with Ranged related skills.

Experience for each combat skill is rewarded on monster kill, so dying before defeating a mob will reward no experience.

The Offensive Stats

  • Strength (Melee), Dexterity (Ranged), and Intelligence (Magic) are the main offensive stats and modify your overall damage for their respective fields. They are also affected by Combat Skill Levels (Strength, Ranged, and Magic).
  • Crit Chance is your chance to hit an enemy for Critical damage, when you do hit a crit, it'll add damage based off your Crit Multiplier. Having a Crit Chance of 30% and a Crit Mult of 50% means that you have a 30% chance on hit to do 50% more damage.
  • Accuracy is what decides your hit chance against the enemy. There are several different types of accuracy, where the types of abilities you use will be affected by those. For example the ability 'Fireball' will make use of Magic Accuracy and Fire Accuracy.

The Defensive Stats

  • Protection is your physical damage reduction. Any melee or ranged damage that an enemy hits you with will be reduced using this value.
  • Resistance is your magic damage reduction. Any magic damage that an enemy hits you with will be reduced using this value.
  • Agility is used to calculate your dodge chance. The higher this value is, the less likely it is that an enemy will be able to hit you.
  • Stamina determines the value of your total health, in addition to your Constitution level


Affinities are used in calculating your effectiveness for each subclass of combat, both for offense and defense. A good example of this are Breatplates, which give a high amount of negative offensive affinities, but lots of positive defensive affinities in return. This makes them very effective at tanking, but not good at outputting damage. Affinities are added together from item to item (ex. a fire amulet provides +15% fire affinity, which would be added with the +35% fire affinity given by the Mantle of Flame to give a total fire affinity of +50%). Affinities can increase or decrease your total effectiveness in combat, but not as drastically as it first seems. Each ability used takes an average of all styles used in an ability.

Player Stats: +50% magic affinity,, +115% fire affinity

Ability Being Used: Fireball (1x Magic, 1.33x Fire) {abilityIcon(abilitiesIds.fire_ball)}

(Magicaffinity x Magicmultiplier1 + Fireaffinity x Firemultiplier2) / 2


(1.00 x 1.50 + 1.33 x 2.15) / 2


Effectiveness = 2.179

This guide is featured in-game under the combat information symbol.


Melee is a skill that... (needs to be updated)


This guide is intended to help players understand many of the nuances of the ranged combat, it will target the different difficulties and strenghts of the ranged combat skill.

Gear and Enchants

All the ranged gear is made from foraging ressources so unless you want to buy everything or play NGIM, foraging as your main task beside fighting is recommended.


  • Click on the ranged tab in the crafting menu and choose a set you can afford.
  • All the armor sets require ressources from traps which can be crafted in the farming tab.
  • As soon as you are strong enough for the Elven Encampment combat you can get crystal scales or the armor pieces dropped by the enemies.


There are one-handed and two-handed weapons for ranged damage. Usually the two-handed ones are better for damage while the one-handed leave room for a defensive offhand item and have more accuracy.

  • Use the shortbow for more damage in areas where accuracy is not needed and the longbow in areas where enemies have a lot of agility.
  • Use the one-handed weapons if you plan on taking the damage in duo zones so you can equip a shield.

Other useful gear:

  • Hunters Band is a great item for damage and accuracy with a good spell to use if you have enough agility to spare for damage.
  • Bestial Shawl gives you agility and more ranged affinity.
  • Air Amulet has usefull spells and a bit of extra damage.
  • Magic Quiver/Elven Quiver are also a good source for extra damage and accuracy.


  • Reinforcement to increase your agility since dodging is the main part of surviving as a ranged user.
  • Resistance for the combat areas where ranged damage is the most effective like Fallen Academy or Lava Maze.
  • Patience for spells like Deadshot.
  • Critical strike on your weapon.
  • On the offhand you can go Finesse for extra damage or Fortitude for more survivability.

The endgame gear consists of the Royal Elven Set, Elven Quiver, Bestial Shawl, Air Amulet, Awakened World Shapers and Elven Boots. For the ring you can choose between Hunter Band and Devourers Band, depending on ur budget/liking. The weapons of choice are either Elven King Longbow for much damage and accuracy or Forgotten Sadness and Shrimp Stinger for more survivability from the Soul Steal ability.

Ability Rotation

Always try to use an auto attack that fits your weapon like piercing ammo, even if you only crafted shoddy ammo yet. Also don´t forget to equip enough Ammunition or you will deal way less damage.

  • Deadshot and Triple Shot should always be in your ability rotation.
  • Use Sniping Stance if you do not need to tank the enemy hits or if you have enough agility to survive, if you take a lot of damage try using no stance.
  • Put your stance at the end of your rotation since you do not need as much stacks as the ability gives.
  • Camouflage or Invisibility are great for tanking or solo combat.

Talents and Affixes

Useful Talents are:

  • Ammunition Overload and Ammunition Over-Overload

Affixes can be chosen to ones liking but stats like Agility and Protection/Resistance for the armor and Attackspeed and Critical Strike Chance/Damage for the weapon are preferred.

Preferred Combat Zones

The Zones weak to ranged damage are Fallen Academy, Lava Maze and Elven Encampment

  • Fallen Academy is the easiest of these three, where you can already do well with maple gear. It is usefull for some early game money or if you want to farm Ancient Stones.
  • Lava Maze is the main source for Ichor and Cursed Spade Heads. It is a quite difficult zone to survive especially after difficulty 9 so elven gear is recommended.
  • Elven Encampment is a zone where enemies have much agility, but is needed for the best armor and other ranged gear. Items like Hunters Band are recommended and the best gear you can bring, aswell as someone who can tank the big hits from enemies.

- guide written by Schaftolas, the mighty Kiwi Ender.


Magic is a skill that... (needs t be updated)