Difference between revisions of "Cursed Naga"

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(Created page with "===Community drop table=== This table contains the loot tables determined by a community effort of logging the loot tables. It is highly likely this data is biased and not 100...")
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{{Combat Logs|{{PAGENAME}}}}
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*20 July - [https://www.reddit.com/r/Idlescape/comments/hua309/update_19_july_2020_v0662_ui_updates_bug_fixes/ Update v0.6.6.2] - adjusted giant drop rates
*19 May - [https://www.reddit.com/r/Idlescape/comments/gm5fov/update_19_may_2020_v062_bug_fixes_and_giant_rare/ Update v0.6.2] - buffed rare giant drops

Revision as of 14:44, 3 February 2021

Community drop table

This table contains the loot tables determined by a community effort of logging the loot tables. It is highly likely this data is biased and not 100% correct. The numbers represent the average amount of items you can expect per kill. A fraction (1 / x) indicates you can expect one item every x kills. After each amount of items the total amount of occurrences is shown between brackets. A lower amount of total occurrences is more subject to statistical errors.
