Sapphire Necklace

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Sapphire Necklace
gold coin120,000

Sapphire necklaces are jewelry items which hold a single enchant slot.


They can be created using the crafting skill.

Image Level Exp Materials
Sapphire Necklace 5 1,600 x50 gold bars
x1 sapphire
x1 gold necklace


The following scrolls can be used to enchant it for passive buffs.

Image Name Effect
Scroll of the Scholar Gain 20% more experience, but no items. This does not apply to combat, farming, or crafting.
Scroll of Gathering Gain a 10% chance to find an extra resource while gathering.
Scroll of Pyromancy Use 10% less heat when cooking or smithing.
Scroll of Wealth Automatically sell resources for 20% more gold than their vendor value.
Scroll of Haste Increases action speed by 4%.

As with any other necklace, augmenting a sapphire necklace will provide +0.5 in all defenses per augmentation.

See also