INFO is the game's way of communicating with the players. Usually it dispenses game knowledge randomly from a bank of facts but it can be, and occasionally is, controlled by the moderators. The moderators can also change INFO's name. One can tell whether or not a moderator controlled INFO by seeing if there is a ":" after "[INFO]". A colon means that a moderator forced the message. INFO automatically says one thing every 30 minutes.
INFO and the Community
A few players hurl random insults at INFO, especially when INFO dispenses a useless tip, like Tip #23.
Known Info Messages
[INFO] Use /help to find more information on the commands available in chat.
[INFO] Did you know that this is Tip #23?
[INFO] Did you know that Habs is the richest player in Idlescape?
[INFO] This was previously a tip telling you that there would be a server transfer on the 14th of March. But I have no idea what funny thing I could possibly change this to! HabsistherichestplayerinIdlescapebtw