Lesser Magic Tome

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Lesser Magic Tome
Stats10 enchanting
Aug BonusAug Cost
+0.5 enchanting1 Lesser ClothLesser Cloth
2 Earth RuneEarth Rune
2 Fire RuneFire Rune
2 Cosmic RuneCosmic Rune
A tome of magic that grants you minor benefits for augmentation.

A Lesser Magic Tome is a tome you equip to the Tome slot. It adds +10 effective Enchanting levels. The Lesser Magic Tome has no enchanting slots and 1 affix slot.

How to Acquire

It is crafted under the 'skilling' tab.

Crafted Item Crafting Level Base EXP Ingredients
Lesser Magic Tome Lesser Magic Tome
Crafting 15
1,500 Crafting Crafting
1 Air Talisman Air Talisman
5 Scroll Scroll
100 Lesser Cloth Lesser Cloth
1 Fire Talisman Fire Talisman
5 Scroll Scroll
100 Lesser Cloth Lesser Cloth
1 Earth Talisman Earth Talisman
5 Scroll Scroll
100 Lesser Cloth Lesser Cloth
1 Nature Talisman Nature Talisman
5 Scroll Scroll
100 Lesser Cloth Lesser Cloth


The Lesser Magic Tome transforms into the Major Magic Tome at +4 augmentation.

Cost of Augmenting

Lvl 1: 100Earth Rune Earth Rune; 100Fire Rune Fire Rune; 100Cosmic Rune Cosmic Rune; 50Lesser Cloth Lesser Cloth

Lvl 2: 120Earth Rune Earth Rune; 120Fire Rune Fire Rune; 120Cosmic Rune Cosmic Rune; 60Lesser Cloth Lesser Cloth

Lvl 3: 180Earth Rune Earth Rune; 180Fire Rune Fire Rune; 180Cosmic Rune Cosmic Rune; 90Lesser Cloth Lesser Cloth

Lvl 4: 280Earth Rune Earth Rune; 280Fire Rune Fire Rune; 280Cosmic Rune Cosmic Rune; 140Lesser Cloth Lesser Cloth

See also