Overgrown Castle

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Overgrown Castle
Release DateRefactor
Type of zoneCombat
Max Players3
MonstersWild Boar, Wolf, Nox Wolf, ANGY BOAR, ANGY WOLF
Zone Recommendations
Rec. Combat Levels50+
Rec. GearAt least a base armor set and a +5 weapon
Rec. Comat StyleRange,Piercing

The Overgrown Castle is a 3 player/mercenaries combat location that can be accessed by using the Castle Map Dungeon key.

The base dungeon is pretty low-medium difficulty and should be doable with a tank and 2 dps players/mercenaries for a relatively safe run,or 3 dps players/mercenaries for a riskier run.

Range is recommended because the monsters in the dungeon are all classified as a beast, and all beasts in this dungeon have a negative defensive affinity to range and piercing.

That means, you are recommended to take a range loadout that does piercing and range damage.

Dungeon Key

Item Max Players Recommended Level
Castle Map Castle Map 3 Range Range (Level 50+)

Dungeon Info

There are three waves in this dungeon. Their details are:

1st wave

This will always spawn 40 monsters of two types, either the wolves or the wild boars.

Either of them has a 50% chance to spawn, so you can expect to never see a uniform spawn count. But a average of 20 wolves and 20 boars can be expected, but not guaranteed.

The monsters will spawn 4 at a time, so there will be 10 sets of 4 monsters in a wave, where wolves and boars will spawn.

2nd wave

This will always 12 Nox wolves. This is a 100% spawn rate.

3rd wave

This will always spawn 2 monsters of two types, either the ANGY BOAR, or the ANGY WOLF.

Either of them has a 50% chance to spawn, so you can expect to never see them in a 1:1 ratio,and can expect to face either one of them only or both of them per dungeon.


Monster Encounters Offensive Affinities Defensive Affinities Notable Drops with their drop rate
Wild Boar Wild Boar 0-40 Melee: 20%

Magic: 0%

Range: 0%

Melee: 20%

Magic: 10%

Range: -20%

Piercing: -33.3%

Partial Map Partial Map(6.7/10k)

Overgrown Woods Scroll Overgrown Woods Scroll(0.7/10k)

Wolf Wolf 0-40 Melee: 20%

Magic: 0%

Range: 0%

Melee: 20%

Magic: 10%

Range: -20%

Piercing: -33.3%

Partial Map Partial Map(6.7/10k)

Overgrown Woods Scroll Overgrown Woods Scroll(0.7/10k)

Nox Wolf Nox Wolf 12 Melee: 20%

Magic: 0%

Range: 0%

Melee: 40%

Magic: 20%

Nature: -10%

Range: -20%

Fire: -30%

Ice: -30%

Piercing: -33.3%

Partial Map Partial Map(2%)

Overgrown Woods Scroll Overgrown Woods Scroll(0.2%)

Charred Pelt Charred Pelt(0.1%)

Armor And Its Weaknesses Armor And Its Weaknesses(0.1%)

Angy Wolf Angy Wolf 0-2 Melee: 33%

Magic: 0%

Range: 0%

Fire: 100%

Melee: 50%

Magic: 0%

Range: -10%

Nature: -25%

Piercing: -25%

Ice: -50%

Bestial Dagger Bestial Dagger(1%)

Bestial Defender Bestial Defender(1%)

Charred Pelt Charred Pelt(1%)

Angy Boar Angy Boar 0-2 Melee: 33%

Magic: 0%

Range: 0%

Fire: 100%

Melee: 50%

Magic: 0%

Range: -10%

Nature: -25%

Piercing: -25%

Ice: -50%

Bestial Dagger Bestial Dagger(1%)

Bestial Defender Bestial Defender(1%)

Charred Pelt Charred Pelt(1%)

Some Important Info on the dungeon:

This dungeon primarily has beasts from the Overgrown Woods combat zone. That means they'll be dropping a lot of junk. Taking the Ring of Taxes will give a big boost on profit from the dungeon, as it boosts junk drop chance.

Talents like Lucky looter, Loaded Dice give double junk drop chance.

Talents like Novice Treasure Hunter, Master Treasure Hunter give more chance to find items in the combat.

Talents like Beast Hunter, Beast Slayer help kill the beasts faster.

The achievement "Castle Hunting" Gives another talent that further boosts your damage against beasts by 1%, so that's another thing to keep note of when running the dungeon.