Master Chicken's Kitchen

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Master Chicken's Kitchen
Level Required60+
Type of zoneGathering Dungeon
DropsCooking Shard Bleached Cloth Legendary Potion
Max Players1
MonstersLimpe k. Limpe
Zone Recommendations
Rec. GearLegendary skilling gear

The Master Chicken's Kitchen is a combat location that can be accessed by the Prismatic Pudding Prismatic Pudding. Completing the dungeon will reward the player with cooking Cooking Shard Cooking Shards, various cooking ingredients and random potions.

Prismatic Pudding

The prismatic pudding can be created by cooking 5 Prismatic Milk in the cooking section.

Image Name Ingredients
Prismatic Pudding Prismatic Pudding Prismatic Milk 5x


The monsters attacking you at the kitchen is a bunch of goblins getting cooking lessons from master chicken himself!

Image Name Notable Drops
Goblin Goblin Scrap of Stained Parchment Scrap of Stained Parchment Lesser Ladle Lesser Ladle
Hobgoblin Hobgoblin Dark Key Piece Dark Key Piece
Big Gobbo Big Gobbo Scrap of Stained Parchment Scrap of Stained Parchment Notes On Acid - II Notes On Acid - II
Lesser Ladle Lesser Ladle
Limpe K. Limpe Limpe k. Limpe Cooking Shard Cooking Shard

Location Completion Rewards

Note that potions have 6 different types of each rarity to drop. So common/rare/epic/legendary
all roll 6 different times with different buffs. Potions effects: Bulk Cooking, Gold Leaf Cook, Blitzing, Cooking, Inferno and Master Chef.

Image Name Chance% Quantity Price
Chicken Kitchen Cache Chicken Kitchen Cache 100% 1 1.000
Chicken Kitchen Cache Chicken Kitchen Cache 10% 1 1.000
Bleached Cloth Bleached Cloth 25% 1 150.000
Filleted Fish Filleted Fish 66% 5-500 50
Ground Flour Ground Flour 66% 5-500 50
Churned Dairy churned Dairy 66% 5-500 50
Diced Fruit Diced Fruit 66% 5-500 50
Chopped Vegetables Chopped Vegetables 66% 5-500 50
Minced Meat Minced Meat 66% 5-500 50
Butchered Monster Butchered Monster 66% 5-500 50
Sour Essence Sour Essence 66% 5-500 50
Bitter Essence Bitter Essence 66% 5-500 50
Sweet Essence Sweet Essence 66% 5-500 50
Spicy Essence Spicy essence 66% 5-500 50
Fish Oil Fish Oil 66% 5-500 50
Common Potion Common Potion 33% 5-25 5
Rare Potion Rare Potion 15% 5-25 10
Epic Potion Epic Potion 7% 5-25 15
Legendary Potion Legendary Potion 3% 5-25 20
Raw Shrimp Raw Shrimp 5% 5-50 5
Seaweed Seaweed 66% 5-500 50
Raw Magnetic Minnow Raw Magnetic Minnow 5% 5-50 150
Raw Tigerfish Raw Tigerfish 5% 5-50 100
Raw Slippery Eel Raw Slippery Eel 5% 5-50 125
Raw Great White Shark Raw Great White Shark 5% 5-50 125
Goblin Brain Goblin Brain 15% 5-50 25
Pepper Pepper 25% 5-250 10
Salt Salt 25% 5-250 10
Sugar Sugar 5% 5-50 10
Honey Honey 5% 5-50 25
Mushroom Mushroom 5% 5-50 10
Chili Pepper Chili Pepper 5% 5-50 10
Banana Banana 5% 5-50 10
Sageberry Sageberry 5% 5-50 150
Watermelon Watermelon 5% 5-50 150
Durian Durian 5% 5-50 200
Frost Flowers Frost Flowers 5% 5-50 180
Yellow Pepper Yellow Pepper 5% 5-50 160
Charged Heat Stone Charged Heat Stone 33% 1-3 30.000
Inert Heat Stone Inert Heat Stone 66% 1-3 3.000
Ashes Ashes 66% 5-500 5
Burnt Fish Burnt Fish 66% 5-500 1
Burnt Food Burnt Food 66% 5-500 1
Prime Runic Dust Prime Runic Dust 10% 1 4.000