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Revision as of 14:18, 24 August 2021 by Silent1 (talk | contribs) (Added augment cost. Searing ladle increases burn chance.)
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gold coin20-/25-/30,000
Level Required-
SlotMain Hand/Two Handed
Attack Speed2/2.4/3s
Attack TypeCrush
Enchantment Slots5
Offensive Stats
AccuracyMelee Str
Defensive Stats
Augment Bonus
Aug. Cost600 Burnt Fishes
1 Ruby

There are currently three different type ladles, which can be acquired as combat drops from Goblins which are located in both Farm and Caves.

Ladles are mostly used for their augment bonus which increases a players effective cooking level. The searing ladle increases burn chance instead of decreasing it like the other ladles.

Even though Ladles have enchantment slots they are rarely used other than by Ironman players, since no scroll affects cooking at the moment.

Name Slot Attack Type Attack Speed Melee Strength Accuracy Defense Augmenting Bonus Augment Cost Enchantment Slots Notes
Lesser Ladle Lesser Ladle Main Hand Crush 2s +7 +10 +1 Magic +3 Cooking 600 Burnt Fishes
1 Ruby
Ladle Ladle Main Hand Crush 2.4s +14 +19 +1 Slash +3 Cooking 600 Burnt Fishes
1 Ruby
Ladle Greater Ladle Two Handed Crush 3s +26 +27 -1 Ranged +3 Cooking 600 Burnt Fishes
1 Ruby
Searing Ladle Searing Ladle Main Hand Crush 2.4s +18 +21 +1 Slash +4 Cooking 1000 Burnt Fishes
1000 Burnt Food
5 Increases burn chance.