Template:Heat Table

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Item Heat Vendor Market Gold(Market)/Heat
Sturdy DriftwoodSturdy Driftwood 75 50 2,998 39.97
Yew LogYew Log 200 100 5,899 29.49
Pyre Yew LogPyre Yew Log 3,000 3,000 119,000 39.66
Willow LogWillow Log 20 20 401 20.05
Pyre Willow LogPyre Willow Log 400 400 28,000 70
LogLog 5 3 210 42
Pyre LogPyre Log 100 60 Yes
CoalCoal 10 20 688 68.8
Mystical DriftwoodMystical Driftwood 125 150 21,100 168.8
Rotten DriftwoodRotten Driftwood 25 15 998 39.92
Pyre Elder LogPyre Elder Log 5,000 5,000 190,000 38
BookBook 50 500 995,000 19,900
Maple LogMaple Log 70 40 1,698 24.25
Pyre Maple LogPyre Maple Log 1,100 1,100 125,000 113.63
BranchBranch 1 1 94 94
Oak LogOak Log 10 10 496 49.6
Pyre Oak LogPyre Oak Log 200 200 144,000 720
Elder LogElder Log 350 250 54,950 157
Item Heat Vendor
Combat Manual - Volume 1Combat Manual - Volume 1 25,000 500,000
A Study on Anatomy IA Study on Anatomy I 25,000 500,000
Projectile Based Diplomacy - IProjectile Based Diplomacy - I 25,000 500,000
Armor and its WeaknessesArmor and its Weaknesses 25,000 500,000
Apocalyptic TomeApocalyptic Tome 25,000 500,000
Cultist Notes IICultist Notes II 25,000 500,000
Token of OwnershipToken of Ownership 1 nil
Ancient Ice TomeAncient Ice Tome 25,000 500,000
Cultist Notes ICultist Notes I 25,000 500,000
A Study on Anatomy IIA Study on Anatomy II 25,000 500,000
All Ghillied UpAll Ghillied Up 25,000 500,000
Enlightened ParchmentEnlightened Parchment 25,000 500,000
Slayer's MarkSlayer's Mark 1 nil
Spell Tome - Ice ShardSpell Tome - Ice Shard 25,000 500,000
Combat Manual - Volume 3Combat Manual - Volume 3 25,000 500,000
Token of ActionToken of Action 1 nil
Combat Manual - Volume 4Combat Manual - Volume 4 25,000 500,000
Trapper's Guide, the SequelTrapper's Guide, the Sequel 25,000 500,000
Notes on Acid - IINotes on Acid - II 25,000 500,000
Notes on Acid - INotes on Acid - I 25,000 500,000
Trapper's GuideTrapper's Guide 25,000 500,000
Ice, Ice, IceIce, Ice, Ice 25,000 500,000
Smoke and MirrorsSmoke and Mirrors 25,000 500,000
Attention Getting TacticsAttention Getting Tactics 25,000 500,000
Defending the Weak - An ExcerptDefending the Weak - An Excerpt 25,000 500,000
How To - First AidHow To - First Aid 25,000 500,000
City DecreeCity Decree 25,000 500,000
Intermediate Combat Manual - Volume 1Intermediate Combat Manual - Volume 1 25,000 500,000
Projectile Based Diplomacy - IIProjectile Based Diplomacy - II 25,000 500,000
Ballistics 101Ballistics 101 25,000 500,000
Spell Tome - Fire BallSpell Tome - Fire Ball 25,000 500,000
Combat Manual - Volume 2Combat Manual - Volume 2 25,000 500,000
Projectile Based Diplomacy - IIIProjectile Based Diplomacy - III 25,000 500,000
Spell Tome - FlamethrowerSpell Tome - Flamethrower 25,000 500,000
A Study on Anatomy IIIA Study on Anatomy III 25,000 500,000

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