Getting Started

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Image Guide
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The Getting Started guide is intended to help both new and returning players.

This guide aims to assist the player from the early-game to the beginning of mid-game, covering a wide range of topics including skilling, money-making, and the meta in Idlescape. Mid-game can loosely be described as the point where the player has:

  • A set of runite armor
  • Skill levels roughly averaging 50‒60

Things to Consider

This section will cover subjects including the player's account and official rules.

Game Rules


All players must follow the rules of the game. Certain things are not allowed, and can result in your account being muted, suspended, or permanently banned from play:

  • Any form of automation or botting is NOT allowed. This applies to the use, creation, or distribution of both bots and automation devices. Discussions about botting is also not permitted.
  • Scripts for quality of life improvements may be allowed, but for safety check with Boohi through in-game chat or Discord for a timely response and approval.
  • Alt-trading, specifically having multiple accounts that trade between each other is NOT allowed. Players are only allowed to own a single account!
  • Trading any items from outside of Idlescape for items inside Idlescape is against the rules and will result in a trade ban for both players.
  • Follow the chat rules!

Staff & Moderators

Current Staff Members

Tasks of people within a role are not set in stone, but in general developers create the game system and code, and moderators keep chat in normal and help players out with small problems. Community contributors help develop and test new parts of the game on a voluntary basis. Artists create the artwork for the game.

To open a ticket for assistance, you can do so in game from the "Send Feedback" feature in game, or via the Discord channel #create-ticket.

Ironman Mode

Note: The information on this page is based on non-ironman gameplay. While still very useful to start off, some advice may not apply!

Released on 11 December 2020 v0.8.

Ironman mode characters have unique restrictions and special capabilities:

  • Trading: cannot trade with other players.
  • Ironman-only Chat: all ironmen have their own chat channel that cannot be accessed by regular players, but can still chat in the general channel.
  • Chat Total Level: total levels displayed in chat for ironmen is greyed out to differentiate them from regular players.
  • Multi-logging: players can use both their regular character and ironman character at the same time in different browser tabs.
  • Server-wide Broadcasts: the first time an ironman reaches a special achievement, (e.g. first to level 50 farming) a server-wide message is sent to congratulate them in both general and the ironman chat channels.
  • Ironman-only Hiscores: a special hiscores page where the highest level ironmen are ranked.

This mode is not recommended for new players to the game.

With the release of Ironman mode came several Alternate Playstyles, all based around the mode.


This section covers mechanics and other information relating to the game itself.

Action Queue

In Idlescape, players can only perform one action at a time; for example, mining and foraging simultaneously is not possible.

The exceptions are: farming, enchanting and crafting. These can be done at the same time while training other skills.

Offline Progression

Offline progression continues for up to 12 hours, 24 if you have Idlescape+.


Players have access to 15 skills, split up into four categories: combat, gathering, production, and magic. For more information on each skill, see their respective articles.

Combat skills
Attack Determines how accurate the player is.
Strength Determines a player's maximum hit, calculated alongside their strength bonuses.
Defense Decreases the chance of being hit.
Constitution Increases Health/HP.
Magic Determines a player's magic damage.
Range Determines a player's range damage.
Gathering Skills
Mining Used to gather ores and other materials from different locations.
Fishing Allows players to catch fish.
Foraging Allows players to gather logs, seeds, and cooking ingredients.
Production Skills
Smithing Allows players to smelt ores into bars.
Farming Used to plant and harvest seeds.
Cooking Allows players to turn their ingredients into meals with different effects and/or for healing during combat.
Crafting Allows players to create items & equipment.
Magic Skills
Runecrafting The runecrafting skill is divided into the following:
Enchanting The enchanting skill is divided into the following:


See various guides:


Verify Your Email

  1. Open the menu in the upper left of the screen.
  2. Go to settings, then verify your email.
  3. You can now trade on the market!

Using the Marketplace

  • Always sell your items to other players on the market. Do not vendor/sell to the NPC unless the item vendors for more than the offers on the marketplace, which it usually is not.
  • Check the actual listings. When selling items, the game will show you the lowest listed price, however, players will sometimes list a small quantity of an item at well below normal market price in order to lure unsuspecting players into listing their items for too cheap.
  • Stack Size is important. Players don't usually want to buy up 20 separate listing of iron ore with 20‒100 ore per listing if someone else has several thousand listed at similar prices.
  • Undercutting is a controversial topic. The amount you undercut by and on which items can make people frustrated when they are trying to sell similar items or are very invested in a specific market. This is just something you will have to feel out yourself.
  • Taxes: When you sell an item, 5% of the sale price is taken in taxes. This is to help combat inflation. Keep this in mind if trying to eke out slim profit margins, otherwise you can just ignore it.
  • Items will stay posted on the market for 30 days and then they will be returned to your inventory where you can list them again if you wish. However, if your item is fairly common and doesn't sell after a few days, consider lowering the price.

Tips and Tricks

  • Burning coal is a cheap way to get heat, whereas logs can often be sold to players for more than their value in heat. Check the market for current prices on coal, logs, and pyres logs to see what the best heat to gold ratio is.
  • CTRL/CMD + left-click will link an item in chat; you can link up to 5 items per message.
  • You can link your gold and heat in chat by CTRL-clicking the money bag and flame above your inventory.
  • You can link your skill level by CTRL-clicking the skill.
  • The vault is where you can store items you want kept separate. Examples of such things might be an augmented ladle for cooking, a weapon you don't have the level for, boots with various enchants you are not currently using, rare drops, crafting projects you are saving for later, or excess blank scrolls you don't want to accidentally enchant.
  • It's a game, play it to have fun! If that means optimizing things in a certain way, playing the market, not trading ever, playing in non ideal ways etc., then go for it. People give advice to help you but in the end, it is you that is playing. 'If you ask for advice, you should consider taking it though.'

See also
