Community Shorthand
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Acronym or Shorthand |
Meaning |
+1, +2, +3 etc., | augmentation level |
Acc | Accuracy |
Addy | Adamantite |
AFAIK | As Far As I Know |
AFK | Away From Keyboard |
atk | attack level |
Aug | Augmenting |
“Big” | An item with a high augment level e.g. a big scythe. |
BKGH | Black Knight Great Helm |
BKTH | Black Knight Titan’s Helm |
Bopal | Black Opal |
Chanting | Enchanting |
CL | Corrupted Lands |
CoC or CC | Chaos Crest (Formerly known as Crest of Chaos) |
CoS | Chorus of Souls |
Crit | Critical Strike |
Crown | King's Crown |
CW | Chaos Wastes |
Daddy | Addy |
def | Defence Level |
EA | Each |
EKLB | Elven King's Longbow |
elvl | Effective Level |
Forb | Fire Orb |
g/h / gph | Gold Per Hour |
Garg | Gargoyle |
Gath | Gathering |
IDK | I Don't Know |
IG | I Guess |
IIRC | If I Remember Correctly |
IM | Ironman |
Infernal | Infernal equipment set |
IS | Idlescape |
k/h / kph | Kills Per Hour
(less)Thousands Per Hour |
Kala | Shard of Kalanahmatti |
KC | King's Crown |
M | Million Gold |
M(followed by number) | Mastery levels e.g. M30 = 30 mastery levels |
Mael | Ancient Maelstrom Orb |
Mace | Crystal Mace |
Maul | Moss Maul |
MDG | Modified Diving Gloves |
Mith | Mithril |
mod | Moderator |
Necro | Necromancer's Equipment |
Nerd | Someone who is good at the game |
NG / NGIM | No Gather / No Gather Ironman |
Obby | Obsidian |
Obs | Obsidian |
OH | Overhealing |
OW | Overgrown Woods |
pat | Patience |
pick | Pickaxe |
Plat | Platinum |
PM/DM | Personal/Private Message
Direct message |
Potato | Rotate |
pris | Prismatic Jewelery |
Prosp | Prospector |
Prot | Protection |
Pump | Pumpkin |
Rainbow | Any item augmented to +25 |
RC | Runecrafting |
Reck | Recklessness |
Rein | Reinforcement |
RNG | Random Number Generator |
Rune | Runite |
Sage | Sageberry |
sb | soulbind |
Scythe | Shapeless Scythe |
SH | Superheating |
ST | Sunken Treasure |
str | Strength Level |
Styg | Stygian |
T(followed by number) | Tier of item e.g. Stygian is T6 because
it requires level 60 to equip |
Tali | Talisman |
Titan | Black Knight Titan's Helm |
TH | Treasure Hunter |
Valley | Valley of Giants |
VoG | Valley of Giants |
Wastes | Chaos Wastes |
WTB | Want To Buy |
WTS | Want To Sell |
yolo | You Only Live Once (aug something without a backup) |
Zedge / Zej | Zero Edge |