Ancient Magic Tome

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Ancient Magic Tome
Level Required50 enchanting
Stats60 enchanting
Aug BonusAug Cost
+2.5 enchanting6 Earth RuneEarth Rune
6 Water RuneWater Rune
6 Death RuneDeath Rune
6 Nature RuneNature Rune
6 Air RuneAir Rune
6 Fire RuneFire Rune
6 Mind RuneMind Rune
6 Blood RuneBlood Rune
6 Cosmic RuneCosmic Rune
6 Chaos RuneChaos Rune
1 Elder ClothElder Cloth
An ancient tome of magic that grants you the strongest benefits for augmentation.

A Ancient Magic Tome is a tome you equip to the Tome slot. It requires level 50 Enchanting to equip and adds +60 effective Enchanting levels. The Ancient Magic Tome has no enchanting slots and 3 affix slots.

How to Acquire

The Ancient Magic Tome transforms from the Elder Magic Tome at +7 augmentation.

Cost of Augmenting

6Air Rune Air Rune

6Earth Rune Earth Rune

6Fire Rune Fire Rune

6Water Rune Water Rune

6Blood Rune Blood Rune

6Death Rune Death Rune

6Chaos Rune Chaos Rune

6Nature Rune Nature Rune

6Mind Rune Mind Rune

6Cosmic Rune Cosmic Rune

1Elder Cloth Elder Cloth

See also