Elder Magic Tome

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Elder Magic Tome
Level Required30 enchanting
Stats40 enchanting
Aug BonusAug Cost
+2 enchanting5 Air RuneAir Rune
5 Mind RuneMind Rune
5 Cosmic RuneCosmic Rune
5 Chaos RuneChaos Rune
1 Greater ClothGreater Cloth
A tome of magic that grants you strong benefits for augmentation.

A Elder Magic Tome is a tome you equip to the Tome slot. It requires level 30 Enchanting to equip and adds +40 effective Enchanting levels. The Elder Magic Tome has no enchanting slots and 3 affix slots.

How to Acquire

The Elder Magic Tome transforms from the Greater Magic Tome at +6 augmentation.


The Elder Magic Tome transforms into the Ancient Magic Tome at +7 augmentation.

To augment from +5 to +6 you need an additional Greater Magic Tome.

Cost of Augmenting

Lvl 1: 250Air Rune Air Rune; 250Chaos Rune Chaos Rune; 250Mind Rune Mind Rune; 250Cosmic Rune Cosmic Rune; 50Greater Cloth Greater Cloth

Lvl 2: 300Air Rune Air Rune; 300Chaos Rune Chaos Rune; 300Mind Rune Mind Rune; 300Cosmic Rune Cosmic Rune; 60Greater Cloth Greater Cloth

Lvl 3: 450Air Rune Air Rune; 450Chaos Rune Chaos Rune; 450Mind Rune Mind Rune; 450Cosmic Rune Cosmic Rune; 90Greater Cloth Greater Cloth

Lvl 4: 700Air Rune Air Rune; 700Chaos Rune Chaos Rune; 700Mind Rune Mind Rune; 700Cosmic Rune Cosmic Rune; 140Greater Cloth Greater Cloth

Lvl 5: 1050Air Rune Air Rune; 1050Chaos Rune Chaos Rune; 1050Mind Rune Mind Rune; 1050Cosmic Rune Cosmic Rune; 210Greater Cloth Greater Cloth

Lvl 6: 1500Air Rune Air Rune; 1500Chaos Rune Chaos Rune; 1500Mind Rune Mind Rune; 1500Cosmic Rune Cosmic Rune; 300Greater Cloth Greater Cloth

Lvl 7: 2050Air Rune Air Rune; 2050Chaos Rune Chaos Rune; 2050Mind Rune Mind Rune; 2050Cosmic Rune Cosmic Rune; 410Greater Cloth Greater Cloth

See also