Enchantment Guide
This guide is separated into sections based on the filters at the top of the Scrollcrafting tab within the Enchanting skill. Some enchantments will appear in this list multiple times due to being equippable on multiple gear types. These enchants will be marked with an asterisk*, you can find what other gear types they can go on by hovering over / tapping them in the enchanting tab in game.
Enchantments do not stack across gear pieces (e.g. Having Protection 3 on your Helm, and having Protection 2 on your Body and Legs will only give you protection 3 )
Hatchet / Foraging Set
- Very good. This should go on your axe if you are foraging. More logs = more good.
- Eh. This isn't a bad enchant, but it isn't great either. Only worth using if you have a foraging armor set. Replace the nature enchant on your lumberjack's vest with this, or Embers if you need heat.
- Another mediocre one. Not bad enough to replace though. I'd recommend keeping it on your foraging set but it isn't worth using apart from that. If you have an abundance of seeds, you can swap this out with root digging or embers.
- It's fine. Keep it on your foraging set, but not great otherwise.
- This is either a must-have or completely useless. If you need heat, use it. If you don't care about cooking or smithing, don't. If you do a lot of smithing, you can put this on your axe but I prefer to keep it on my foraging set.
Scroll of Archaeology* - I've heard people say this enchantment sucks. Those people are WRONG and trying to steal your profits. I mean, it does suck if it use it in its intended way, but it has a quirk that makes it completely broken if you take advantage of it. Archaeology can go on most tools. If you forage, put it on your pickaxe. If you mine, put it on your axe. You get the idea. It can activate even if it is on a tool for a different skill. If you do gathering, use this enchantment.
Pickaxe / Mining Set
- Almost entirely useless for low/mid level players as it destroys useful materials. It is however used in an end game build to get max xp, this requires an Uber fast mine time though.
- It's okay. You can put it on your mining set, probably pants or hat. Will add a bit of profit.
- I don't mine enough to have a good understanding of this one.
- From what I've heard it is good in deep pit, but I don't know much about this one either.
- Top tier. Best pickaxe enchant by a landslide. Use this.
Scroll of Archaeology* - I've heard people say this enchantment sucks. Those people are WRONG and trying to steal your profits. I mean, it does suck if it use it in its intended way, but it has a quirk that makes it completely broken if you take advantage of it. Archaeology can go on most tools. If you forage, put it on your pickaxe. If you mine, put it on your axe. You get the idea. It can activate even if it is on a tool for a different skill. If you do gathering, use this enchantment.
- Scroll of Farming, but worse. (Unless you want to get more XP by replanting higher XP seeds )
- Theoretically good if you plant a lot of small fast-growing crops, but you shouldn't be doing that anyway.
- The best hoe enchant. Use this.
- Good, especially on giant crops with high yields, but inferior to scroll of farming.
Body / Legs
- Often worth using for the damage increase, but it can actually decrease your damage on fast attacking weapons like daggers or zero edge. In that case, use something else. Usually reinforcement is your best option.
Helm / Body / Legs
- Pretty good. Getting hit less is always a positive. Generally worth using if you are using a fast weapon which wouldn't benefit from patience.
- Taking less damage is good, but not as good as avoiding it outright. Good on a tank merc but otherwise a pass.
- Good if magic enemies are a problem for you. Otherwise, pass.
- The best offense is a good defense. Your enemies can't hit you if they're dead. Always use this.
- Same story as above. Always use.
Scroll of Weakening* - Only decreases the level requirement by 1, so not worth it. Maaaybe worth it in low-level combat if you have the materials to make better gear, but this is an enchant meant to be replaced by something better as soon as you have the levels for it.
Scroll of Taunting* - Unnecessary. Just use taunt and tank taunt skills.
Gloves / Boots
- s h r i m p . Getting 7 levels of this while cooking will give you a chance getting shrimp baubles, which when researched will let you fight a secret boss. Actually good? No. But very fun.
Scroll of Fiber Snagging* - More valuable in higher fishing zones. Good if you need more fiber for gear upgrades/runecrafting xp. Most fiber is worth more than fish except tentacle meat. Can go on fishing gear too but not the tacklebox.
Scroll of Junk Snagging* - An alternative to fiber snagging, not as good in terms of gold but helpful if you are struggling to get enough driftwood for crafting/augmenting magic gear. Also a low chance for aquamarines. Can go on fishing gear too but not the tacklebox.
Scroll of Refining* - This is the best enchantment in the game, especially early on. Use this whenever you are smithing.
Scroll of Runecrafting* - Using less essence is always good. Use it when runecrafting.
Scroll of Fishy Fortune* - Free fish (and fiber?) which can be used for cooking or crafting more bait.
- More chests is amazing while gathering. Always use this.
- Faster actions means more money. Always use.
- Worse than useless. Scraps have limited use and dust is way more useful, so skip this.
Scroll of Fishing* - Essential for early fishing. Use on something if your chance to succeed while fishing isn't 100%.
- Incredibly good late game for preserving buffs. Not necessary early on but you will want to get this eventually.
Scroll of Essence Concentration* - Waste of essence. Not worth it.
- Does literally nothing, lol.
- Very good if you are going for a transform like gargoyle gear, but otherwise not that important.
- Not great, but not bad either. Use this if you have some open enchantment slots on your gloves or boots where no other enchant would be helpful.
- Researching an item without it breaking is good. This helps with that. Always use when researching.
- More loot from monsters. I don't think I need to explain why this is great. Use it.
- Not bad on its own, but outclassed by other enchants that go in the same slot. Pass.
- Inferno, but for enchanting. Always worth using.
- Just bring food instead. Is on slayer's pendant by default and is fine there, otherwise unnecessary.
- Use one of the two below instead.
- Good for dungeons where enemies are hard to hit. Otherwise outclassed. Mages only.
- Good for dungeons where enemies are hard to hit. Otherwise outclassed. Melee and range.
Scroll of Endless Ammo* - The best in slot option for rangers, mainly due to the alternative being scroll of immunity. Use it on your cloak.
Scroll of Rune Reserves* - Same as above, but for mages.
- More damage = more good. Almost always the best option for your weapon.
Scroll of Healing* - Until the very late game where you can afford food that will heal you to max, this is your best option.
Scroll of Fortitude* - Good on a combat talisman, but awful everywhere else.
- Not particularly useful. If you have a protection based build, your damage is going to be bad either way.
- The best option for mages, a slight damage increase. Use on your book of death.
- Obscenely good on ranger builds that use an offhand item, especially personal cannon.
Ring / Necklace
- Better than nothing when smithing. Might as well use it.
- Awful. Never use this. Despite the name, this enchantment loses you money. If you need money on ironman, run overgrown woods or valley of giants.
- Extra materials while gathering is great. Just make sure to have enough runes to fuel it. Has to go on ring for reasons.
- Only matters if you are going for leaderboard ranks.
- Makes all gathering an production actions faster. Always worth using. Has to go on the necklace.
Tacklebox / Fishing Set
- Faster node search times and higher chance to succeed a search action. Good if search chance isn't 100%.
- Faster node gather times and higher chance to succeed a gather action. Great for more items per hour if your chances are already 100%.
- Not great, can be kind of useful if you're close to having enough bonus rarity to gather a specific item. Typically it would be better to just aug your fishing gear instead.
- Useful as long as without it you have less than 50% chance to preserve bait. Makes your bait last longer.
Scroll of Fiber Finder
- Great if you want to have more fiber for mage stuff / runecrafting XP / selling.
- Decent way to passively get oil for making pyre logs / selling. Not as good in the lower level zones.
- Good if you dont care about using a lot of bait. Most useful with baits that have stat multipliers.
Scroll of Archaeology* - I've heard people say this enchantment sucks. Those people are WRONG and trying to steal your profits. I mean, it does suck if it use it in its intended way, but it has a quirk that makes it completely broken if you take advantage of it. Archaeology can go on most tools. If you forage, put it on your pickaxe. If you mine, put it on your axe. You get the idea. It can activate even if it is on a tool for a different skill. If you do gathering, use this enchantment.
Ladle / Cooking Set
- The must have ladle enchant for preparing.
Tongs / Smithing Set
Scroll of Endless Ammo* - The best in slot option for rangers, mainly due to the alternative being scroll of immunity. Use it on your cloak.
Scroll of Rune Reserves* - Same as above, but for mages.
- The best in slot option for melee capes, but only because it is the only option. Better than nothing.
Chisel / Runecrafting Set
- Runecrafting is an enigma
Scroll of Runecrafting* - Using less essence is always good. Use it when runecrafting.
Scroll of Essence Concentration* - Waste of essence. Not worth it.
- Use this when you are weaving cloth.