Foraging Guide

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The Foraging skill allows you to gather essential items required for other skills, including Cooking ingredients, various logs, and numerous Farmable seeds.

Gear and Enchants

Foraging is a fairly simple skill with only a small amount of variation in builds.

Fixed Gear

Regardless of what your build is optimized for, the following items should always be equipped:

A hatchet, either Runite, Stygian, or ideally The Grovekeeper.

The 3 pieces of the foraging armor set: Lumberjack's Hat, Lumberjack's Vest, and Lumberjack's Trousers

A piece of jewelry with Haste and a piece of jewelry with Gathering (augmented Prismatic Ring gives a bonus to effective foraging level so, ideally, you have one of these.)

Boots or Gloves with Naturalist, which increases the chance to get chests in all gathering skills as well as the chance to convert a chest to its greater version.

Fluid Gear

Some equipment slots have multiple useful items:

Boots or Gloves, whichever does not have Naturalist, with any of the following enchants (explained in detail below): Enlightenment, Prolonging, or Treasure Hunter.

One of the skiling capes: Cloak of Many Pockets or its more powerful version, Cloak of the Void (explained in detail below); Flamboyant Cape to increase the encounter rate in Living Forest, or Camo Cloak to decrease the encouner rate.

One of the Bags of Holding to increase your effective foraging level and get more loot (Small Bag of Holding, Bag of Holding, or Large Bag of Holding), or either of Adventurer's backpacks to increase your Foraging Shard generation rate (Newbie Adventurer's Backpack, Dwarven Adventurer's Backpack).

Gear Priority list

In order of importance from most to least:

Hatchet (normal hatchet first); Lumberjack's set; The Grovekeeper (to replace normal hatchet later on); Black opal jewelry or prismatic jewelry with Haste and [[Gathering]; Boots/Gloves with Naturalist; Bag of Holding or Backpack; One of the four capes; Boots or Gloves with one of the secondary enchants; Mining or fishing tool with Archeology (explained below).

Which Enchants?

Foraging has quite a few enchants that can be interchanged depending on what you want, they are all fairly balanced so it mostly depends on how you want to play:

Hatchet and Armor Enchants

The main foraging enchants are Nature, Seed Harvesting, and Herbalist. These enchants are pre-installed when you craft the Lumberjack armor set and all influence the type and quality of foraging nodes you will find in various gathering locations. Each of these enchants unlock the higher tier nodes that relate to them, and if you are missing one of these on your hatchet or armor you will not see many of the related node and will not get its higher tier items.

Usually its best to keep these as they are for a balanced item gain. The most important of these is the Nature enchant as the logs are used for heat and crafting and are always in high demand, many people will put this on their Hatchet for a higher quantity and quality of log related nodes. If you do use one of these three on your hatchet, make sure to switch out the same enchant on one of your armor pieces to one of the next enchants: Root Digging and Embers.

Root digging allows you to gain gems and fertilizer during foraging, while Embers is for the player who wants to gain heat passively while foraging (while still getting the logs). Depending on your needs, you will use different combinations of Nature, Embers, Herbalist, Seed Harvesting, and Root Digging.

Also, there is Archaeology enchant that allows you to passively gain Junk items that you can sell by typing /selltrash for some coins. You can install this enchant on your hatchet; however, you may also add it to your tackle box or pickaxe and it will still trigger during foraging activities.

Boot/Glove Enchant

The very first enchant you should install on your gloves/boots is Naturalist as this enchant increases your chances to get chests from gathering activities.

As for the enchant on your other piece of gear, it is pretty easy to decide: Treasure Hunter if you are foraging in the Living Forest, Prolonging if you are using buff stacks (as Prolonging has a chance to save your buff stack per action while still letting you have the full buff effect), and Enlightenment if you wish to get more Nature essence, since it is one of the more difficult essences to get passively.

Which Cape to Use

For every zone that is not Living Forest, you want to use either the Cloak of Many Pockets or Cloak of the Void (you can always start with Many Pockets and then replace it with Void one later on). The extra levels of haste are much better than the effective levels you get from the other two.

For Living Forest it is a bit more complicated, as Spriggans have the best loot out of all 3 dangerous gathering locations: Sageberry Bush Seeds, Mysterious Seeds, all logs, Ancient Nature Amulet, and the Sylvan Staff being the most notable. It is almost always worth running Flamboyant Cape as this increases encounters and even allows elite spriggans to spawn; however, if you want to focus on Elder logs or Lotus flower gains, you can run Camo Cloak to minimize the encounters. The 3rd option is to run either of the haste capes to get a balance of both gathering mats and encounters.

Bag or Backpack

Small Bag of Holding, Bag of Holding, and Large Bag of Holding are the go-to backpacks whenever you wish to gather for items, as these force the max roll of gathered items per action. For example, you decide to gather some Ghost Shrooms in Fungal Grotto and you have a Small Bag of Holding equipped. In this case, you can get 1 to 5 shrooms per action; however, thanks to the bag you have, there is a 33% chance that you will get 5 shrooms per action. With Large Bag, you will always have max number of items gathered per action.

As for Newbie and Dwarven Adventurer's Backpacks, these are useful when you wish to gain more shards (for example, when you want to have foraging gear upgrades faster), but be mindful that these backpacks without augments actually decrease your effective gathering levels, which in turn decreases the gathering speeds. Please note that these backpacks of high augment levels can actually increase effective gathering levels, though they would require an extremely high augment level to give a higher effective level boost than the bags of holding.

Priority for Augmenting

The most important augments are your Lumberjack set and your hatchet, because the set and The Grovekeeper use shards. Unfortunately, you are limited in how fast you can augment these (due to 1 shard being gained per 5 minutes of foraging); thus, its best to prioritize the set and only get and augment The Grovekeeper when you get the crafting materials for it from Greater Nests. If you don't have a Grovekeeper, your hatchet should be upgraded alongside the armor.

The next impactful augments are going to be the bag and capes. Small, normal and Big Bags of Holding receive a boost of 0.25, 0.5, and 1 effective foraging levels per augment respectively. The small and regular bag of holding transform at +5 and +10, and these should be prioritized as the enchant and augment bonuses increase. If you have a backpack, do not replace the Adventurer's Boon enchant.

Newbie Adventurer's Backpack and Dwarven Adventurer's Backpack both give negative levels, especially the dwarven, giving -20 to your effective foraging level before any augments. Though expensive, these can be augmented alongside the capes, decreasing their penalty and eventually giving a positive bonus. Lastly, Prismatic Ring gives 1 effective foraging level per augment. It is worth augmenting if you are maxed out on everything else.

General Tips

Embers gives you heat and keeps the logs safe, allowing you to increase

Dangerous Encounters



Extra tips and advice

Useful terminology