Fallen Academy

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Fallen Academy
Fallen Academy
Type of zoneCombat
MonstersCorpse Eater, Dark Mage, Lesser Demon, Greater Demon, Possessed Mage, Pactbound Sorcerer, Exiled Preceptor
Notable DropsForgotten Souls, Ancient Crystals, Cursed Spade
Zone Recommendations
Rec. Combat Levels25-50 (base)
Rec. GearRunite - Stygian
Rec. Comat StyleMelee/Range

Fallen Academy is a solo combat zone that features many different types of evil wizards.

Fallen Academy is primarily a range and melee zone.

It is the primary source of Forgotten Souls and from difficulty 11 onwards drops Ancient Stones, which is used to craft Ancient Pyramid and also rarely Ancient Crystals. The zone is also the source for the corresponding scroll, Fallen Academy Scroll.

Recommended Gear

Difficulties 1-10

  • Level: 40-60 in defense and either melee or range.
  • Armor: Supporting gear for you chosen style: runite leggings and chainmail for melee, or scale armor for ranged.
  • Weapon: Forgotten Sadness or melee slash weapon (Runite Scimitar)

Difficulties 11+

  • Level 90+ in all relevant skills
  • Armor and Weapons Ranged: Full elven armor set with Invisibility ability. Melee: Infernal or bestial set with Devourer's Band or Royal Banner for Stamina.


Monster Encounters Combat Style Highest Weakness Drops
Corpse Eater Corpse Eater [?] [?] Piercing/Blunt (-25%) Spider Legs, Creature Eggs, Basic Runic Dust, Sapphire, Emerald, Ruby, Diamond, Black Opal, Fallen Academy Scroll, Satchel, Mysterious Seed
Dark Mage Dark Mage [?] Magic Melee (-25%) Unknown Rune, Demonic Statue, Unusual Runic Dust, Fallen Academy Scroll, Cursed Spade Head, Cursed Spade
Lesser Demon Lesser Demon [?] Magic Slashing (-25%) Ichor, Burnt Fish, Ashes, Monster Tooth, Bone Shards, Rune Slate, Air Rune, Earth Rune, Fire Rune, Water Rune, Blood Rune, Death Rune, Chaos Rune, Nature Rune, Mind Rune, Cosmic Rune, Aqueous Grass, Monster Horn, Singular Runic Dust, Water Weeds, Sturdy Horn, River Vines, Unknown Rune, Intact Wing, Sapphire, Emerald, Ruby, Diamond, Black Opal, Demonic Trial, Molten Ashes, Infernal Flame, Satchel, Mysterious Seed, Armor and its Weaknesses, Sharp Demon Tooth, Cursed Spade Head
Greater Demon Greater Demon [?] Magic Slashing (-25%) Ichor, Burnt Fish, Ashes, Violet Ribbons, Monster Tooth, Bone Shards, Rune Slate, Air Rune, Earth Rune, Fire Rune, Water Rune, Blood Rune, Death Rune, Chaos Rune, Nature Rune, Mind Rune, Cosmic Rune, Monster Horn, Book, Sturdy Horn, River Vines, Singular Runic Dust, Unknown Rune, Intact Wing, Sapphire, Demonic Statue, Dwarven Coins, Emerald, Sharp Demon Tooth, Ruby, Demonic Trial, Diamond, Molten Ashes, Black Opal, Infernal Flame, Satchel, Mysterious Seed, Armor and its Weaknesses, Cursed Spade Head
Possessed Mage Possessed Mage [?] Magic Slashing (-25%) Unknown Rune, Demonic Statue, Singular Runic Dust, Soul Fragment, Notes on Acid - I, Notes on Acid - II, Cursed Spade Head
Pactbound Sorcerer Pactbound Sorcerer [?] Magic Slashing (-25%) Unknown Rune, Demonic Statue, Singular Runic Dust, Soul Fragment, Notes on Acid - I, Notes on Acid - II, Fallen Academy Scroll, Cursed Spade Head
Exiled Preceptor Exiled Preceptor [?] Magic Piercing/Blunt/Slashing (-25%) Unknown Rune, Demonic Statue, Ancient Stone, Notes on Acid - I, Notes on Acid - II, Ancient Crystal, Forgotten Souls

Notable Drops

Ancient Stone: Fallen Academy is the primary location that Ancient Stones drop, the fragment used to craft the Ancient Pyramid dungeon. These are dropped by Exiled Preceptors, appearing beyond difficulty 10.

Ancient Crystal: Fallen Academy is a location where Ancient Crystals drop, the fragment used to craft the key for The Maelstrom dungeon, but they are way more common in Chaos Wastes. These are dropped by Exiled Preceptors, appearing beyond difficulty 10.

Forgotten Soul: Forgotten Souls are dropped primarily from Fallen Academy, dropping from all Mages found.

Cursed Spade: Spade Heads drop from demons, which can be used to create Cursed Spades. They drop primarily from Lava Maze, but can be found here.