Combat (Pre-Refactor)

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Combat UI

Combat is a game-play mechanic where players fight enemies located within increasingly more difficult zones. A beginner's guide on combat can be found on the wiki page combat guide or on the forum combat guide made by Magnus.

There are 6 skills to level in combat; constitution, attack, strength, and defense, magic and range.

Beginners Guide to Combat

How it works

There are four styles of combat that you can choose to do: melee, ranged, magic, or hybrid. Melee makes use of melee weapons (such as scimitars and daggers).

Ranged makes use of ranged weapons (such as longbows and crossbows).

Magic makes use of magic weapons (such as staffs and wands).

Hybrid utilizes 2 or more of the above skills with weapons that provide hybrid statistics (such as Shapeless Scythe).


There are several values used in Idlescape Combat 2.0 that change how well you perform in combat.

Damage Statistics

Strength (STR): Your melee offense statistic. This directly translates to your melee damage output.

Example: +100 STR is better than +80 STR and will lead to a higher average damage output.

Dexterity (DEX): Your ranged offense statistic. This directly translates to your ranged damage output.

Example: +100 DEX is better than +80 DEX and will lead to a higher average damage output.

Intelligence (INT): Your magic offense statistic. This directly translates to your magic damage output.

Example: +100 INT is better than +80 INT and will lead to a higher average damage output.

Critical Hit Chance (Crit Chance): This is the chance that your attack hits critically every time you land a hit on your enemy.

Critical hit Multiplier (Crit Mult): This is the value that your damage will be increased by if you land a critical hit on your enemy.

Example: Having a Crit Chance of 30% and a Crit Mult of 50% means that your maximum damage is increased 30% of the time by 50%.

Attack Statistics

Attack Statistics can be broken down into three groups:

Overall Statistics (Melee, Magic, Ranged)

Physical Statistics (Slashing, Piercing, Blunt)

Magic Statistics (Chaos, Fire, Ice)

Overall Statistics: These values tell you your accuracy for each combat style. The difference is these values are applied to each combat style regardless of what subclass you are using (subclasses being ice mage or crush melee).

Physical Statistics: These values tell you your accuracy for each subclass of melee and ranged combat. Because melee and ranged both use physical damage and use the same subclasses (blunt, piercing), they both are affected by these values.

Magic Statistics: These values tell you your accuracy for each subclass of magic combat.

Example: To calculate the hit-chance on your enemy when using a fire-based ability with magic damage, the game will run a calculation using Magic Accuracy, then Fire Accuracy, then take an average of the two.

Defense Statistics

Protection: This is your physical damage reduction. Any melee or ranged damage that an enemy hits you with will be reduced using this value.

Resistance: This is your magic damage reduction. Any magic damage that an enemy hits you with will be reduced using this value.

Agility: This value is used to calculate your dodge chance. The higher this value is, the less likely it is that an enemy will be able to hit you.

Stamina: This value is used to calculate your total health.


Affinities are used in calculating your effectiveness for each subclass of combat, both for offense and defense. The best example of this is the Stygian Chestplate, which gives lots of negative offensive affinities, but lots of positive defensive affinities. This makes it very effective at tanking (absorbing lots of damage without being dealt it), but not good at DPS (damage per second). Affinities are added together from item to item (ex. a fire amulet provides +15% fire affinity, which would be added with the +35% fire affinity given by the Mantle of Flame to give a total fire affinity of +50%).

Offensive Affinities: These values are expressed in + or - percents, increasing or decreasing your effectiveness when using a certain subclass of combat.

Example: Having a positive fire affinity of +50% means you are 50% more effective at dealing fire damage.

Defensive Affinities: These values are expressed in + or - percents, increasing or decreasing your effectiveness when fighting against a certain subclass of combat.

Example: Having a negative blunt affinity of -6% means you are 6% less effective at reducing/dodging any blunt attacks towards you.

Effectiveness of Affinities: Affinities increase or decrease your total effectiveness in combat, but not as drastically as it first seems. Each ability used takes an average of all styles used in an ability.

+50% affinity in magic, +115% affinity in fire, using ‘fireball’ ability


(AbilityAffin1*AffinityMult1 + AbilityAffin2*AffinityMult2) / 2


(1.00*1.50 + 1.33*2.15) / 2


Effectiveness = 2.179

Ability Rotation

One of the biggest things added with combat 2.0 is the ability rotation. This allows you to customize how you attack enemies to your own liking.

When on the combat screen before entering combat, there is a box filled with abilities that you can choose to do. You must have an auto-style ability that has no cooldowns, and you can then add other abilities. The maximum number of abilities you can have in your ability rotation can be increased by increasing your total number of combat levels. These abilities can be item-specific (meaning you must have a certain item equipped to use them), or they can be universal abilities (meaning you can always use them, no matter what). Universal abilities can be obtained by consuming skill books, which drop from dungeons.

Using These Things

There are several different ways that these statistics can be used to your advantage and we encourage all players to try out their own loadouts and combinations to have the best experience they can. Here are a few tips and examples:

The Tank: Tanking means you absorb lots of damage without actually taking it. Often that includes using a breastplate, as it has the abilities “Taunt” and “Tank Taunt”, which increase the “Threat” of the player, making them the target for enemies to hit. These are often used in group dungeons so that only one person takes the majority of the damage, so everyone else can focus on increasing their DPS.

The Glass Cannon: These loadouts often focus on only items that increase their overall DPS output. This means that their defensive stats and affinities are often sacrificed for small increases in DPS. They die very easily, but deal the most damage.



Solo Combat

Zone Lowest Recommended Combat Levels Lowest Recommended Gear
Farm 1 - 20 None - Bronze
Caves 10 - 30 Bronze - Iron
City 20 - 60 Iron - Adamantite
Deep Pit * 50 - 60 Adamantite - Runite
Living Forest * 50 - 60 Adamantite - Runite
Lava Maze 60 - 80 (Using 1 of Healing, Overhealing, or Corrupted Ring) Adamantite - Runite
Corrupted Lands 70 - 90 (Using 1-2 of Healing, Overhealing, or Corrupted Ring) Runite - Stygian
Valley of Giants 80 - 99 (Using 1-2 of Healing or Overhealing) Runite - Stygian
Elite Scroll <- Click for more info Runite - Stygian

Zones marked with * are special combat areas

Group Combat

Zone Lowest Recommended Combat Levels Lowest Recommended Gear Maximum Amount Of Players
Chaos Wastes 90 - 99 Stygian +5 2
Goblin Village 80 - 99 Obsidian +5/Runite +0 3
Dark Fortress 90 - 99 Runite +5 3
Giant's Keep 99 Stygian +5 5
RISE OF INFO 99 See ROI page 10

Encounter table

Zones Monster Encounter Rate HP
Farm Chicken 30% 3
Rat 30% 2
Cow 30% 8
Goblin 10% 5
Caves Goblin 45% 5
Imp / Greater Imp 55% 10
City Guard 80% 22
Black Knight 20% 42
Living Forest Spriggan 100% 75
Deep Pit Greater Demon 100% 89
Lava Maze Deadly Red Spider 40% 35
Lesser demon 60% 81
Corrupted Lands Corrupted Tree 45% 95
Infected Naga 45% 100
Bone Giant 10% 125
Valley of Giants Fire Giant 33% 130
Moss Giant 33% 150
Ice Giant 33% 160
Chaos Wastes* Chaos Giant 50% 300
Chaotic Abomination 50% 425

* Chaos Wastes is a combat zone balanced for group combat, allowing a maximum of two players in a party to fight alongside each other. Stats differ for one and two players.

Special combat areas include the Foraging zone Living Forest, and the Mining zone Deep Pit, where you may randomly encounter Spriggans or Greater Demons respectively. Players may not run from these encounters, and failing results in a 15-minute lockout timer before they can access that zone again.

Combat Experience

Players gain combat skill experience when dealing damage; 2 experience in the selected combat skill and 1 experience in Constitution per damage dealt. When fighting in a balanced stance, each skill gains 2/3 of an experience per point of damage. Fractions of experience are not shown but are kept so a balanced stance does not gain or lose experience through rounding.


Death occurs when a player's health reaches zero. The preceding action will be cancelled and the player returns to idling.

Health slowly regenerates on its own and can be modified with the Scroll of Healing. Dying will not result in the loss of exp/items/gold etc.


Combat skills
Constitution Constitution in addition to the Scroll of Fortitude is the skill that determines a player's maximum hitpoints (HP). The amount of health left can be seen next to the heart icon in the combat page.

Food can restore health inside or outside of battle, and can provide buffs to combat for a short time.

Default auto-eat will only trigger when the missing HP is less than 3/2 the food healing amount. Change auto-eat to percent of HP remaining in settings for high healing food if max HP is too low to trigger the default setting.

Attack Attack determines a player's hit chance, along with the players accuracy bonus.
Strength Strength contributes to your maximum damage per hit, along with the players melee strength bonus.
Defense Defense determines a players dodge chance.

Mastery levels have no effect on combat.


There are various stats that can affect combat. These stats are determined by a player's equipment (armor and weapon), although each point in a player's level contributes more to stats than equipment.


Accuracy is determined from a combination of stats from equipment and attack level which is used to determine hit chance.

The formula for accuracy is

Keep in mind that the hit chance is also determined by an enemy's defense toward your attack type.

The only way to deal 0 damage is by missing the target, all accurate hits will deal at least 1 damage. The Demon Skin buff can decrease a damage to 0.


Strength from equipment determines the maximum damage you can deal along with strength level. The damage you deal can also be affected by enchantments such as Scroll of Critical Strike, Scroll of Patience, and Scroll of Recklessness. Keep in mind that patience and recklessness adds to both the minimum and maximum damage while strength only adds to the maximum damage.

Max hit can be calculated with the following formula:

Max hit from a hard-hitting monster can only be decreased with the Scroll of Protection and/or the Demon Skin buff.


Defense from equipment and bonuses determine the dodge rate along with defense level. Keep in mind that dodge chance is also determined by enemy's attack and your defense to their attack type.

The formula for defense is where you use the corresponding defense bonus for whatever type of attack you are defending from (ex. Stab).

Attack Type

There are three attack types (slash, stab, crush) which is determined by the weapon you use (bare hands are considered crush). Attack type determines the type of defense the enemy uses. This can be important since some enemies are weak to one type of attack, making it easier to hit if that type of attack is used. E.g. all giants are weak to crush, making battleaxes effective weapons to use.

Hit Chance

If Accuracy > Defense:


Attack Speed

Attack speed is a stat that determines the amount of time between attacks. The attack speed differs with every weapon. Bare fists have an attack speed of 2.4 seconds.

The Scroll of Patience increases damage based on how slow the weapon hits.


List of useful Enchantments.

Scrollcrafting Scroll Slot Level Silver Amount Rune Amount Runes Effect per scroll
Scroll of the Soul Wisdom Scroll of the Soul Wisdom Ring, Necklace, Weapon, Shield, Helm, Body, Legs, Gloves, Boots, Cape, Arrows, Pickaxe, Hatchet, Hoe, Tacklebox, Tongs, Tome, Ladle, Combat-Amulet, Chisel 48 600 60 Chaos, Mind, Cosmic ONLY APPLIES TO THE ITEM THIS ENCHANTMENT IS ON. Increases soulbound item XP gain by 6%.
Scroll of Weakening Scroll of Weakening Helm, Body, Legs, Shield, Weapon 4 100 20 Air, Fire, Mind Decreases the level requirements of the item by 1.
Scroll of Healing Scroll of Healing Shield, Combat-Amulet 10 200 30 Blood, Nature, Cosmic Passive heal per tick increased by 20%. Increases health received from consumables by 10%.
Scroll of Fortitude Scroll of Fortitude Shield, Combat-Amulet 68 800 70 Blood, Chaos, Nature Increases stamina by 10.
Scroll of Force Scroll of Force Shield 79 900 80 Blood, Death, Chaos Gain 1% of your protection as strength.
Scroll of Overhealing Scroll of Overhealing Weapon 11 200 30 Air, Water, Death Heal for 1% of overkill damage on a target.
Scroll of Accuracy Scroll of Accuracy Weapon 28 400 40 Blood, Death, Mind Increases accuracy for all three combat styles by 3% multiplicatively.
Scroll of Critical Strike Scroll of Critical Strike Weapon 52 600 60 Blood, Death, Chaos, Cosmic Increases critical chance and damage multiplier by 2.5%.
Scroll of Endless Ammo Scroll of Endless Ammo Cape, Weapon 29 400 40 Chaos, Nature, Mind Gain a 17% chance to not consume ammo (resulting in 20% more uses from each ammo piece on average). Works on ranged projectiles, melee whetstones, and magic charms.
Scroll of Rune Reserves Scroll of Rune Reserves Cape, Weapon 35 500 50 Water, Chaos, Mind Gain a 33% chance to not consume runes when using abilities (resulting in 50% more ability uses for the same rune cost).
Scroll of Reinforcement Scroll of Reinforcement Helm, Body, Legs 13 200 30 Death, Chaos, Mind Increases agility by 12.
Scroll of Protection Scroll of Protection Helm, Body, Legs 31 400 40 Air, Earth, Cosmic Increases protection by 10.
Scroll of Resistance Scroll of Resistance Helm, Body, Legs 32 400 40 Air, Fire, Cosmic Increases resistance by 10.
Scroll of Recklessness Scroll of Recklessness Helm, Body, Legs 80 1000 80 Blood, Death, Chaos Additively increases offensive magic, range, and melee affinity by 2.0% but reduces the respective defensive affinities by the same amount.
Scroll of False Equilibrium Scroll of False Equilibrium Helm, Body, Legs 81 1000 80 Blood, Death, Chaos Increases maximum damage and decreases minimum damage by 1.5%.
Scroll of Patience Scroll of Patience Body, Legs 82 1000 80 Air, Water, Death Slower abilities and attacks receive a maximum damage bonus scaling on attack speed. Scales off of ability speed, capping at 50% increase or decrease.
Scroll of the Treasure Hunter Scroll of the Treasure Hunter Gloves, Boots 85 1200 100 Chaos, Nature, Cosmic Increases your chance of finding items from slain enemies by 3%.
Scroll of Prolonging Scroll of Prolonging Gloves, Boots 58 700 60 Nature, Mind Gain a 20% chance to not consume a buff stack (resulting in 25% more uses from a buff on average).
Scroll of Enlightenment Scroll of Enlightenment Gloves, Boots 73 900 70 Air, Water, Chaos, Mind Gain 1 more essence per action where essence is acquired.

Food Buffs

Image Enchantment Effect
Nimble Increases defense for a short time. Each level of Nimble increases defense by around 10%. Eating food with spider legs as an ingredient will grant this buff; a popular recipe is 5 spider legs.
Demon Skin Reduces all damage taken in combat by the level of the demon skin. This only affects combat, so if consumed while out of combat there will be no effect. If you stop fighting, the buff disappears. It can be created by cooking food with Ichor; an example is 4 apples and 1 Ichor. Stacks are not consumed if the monster hits a 0.

Special Combat

Elite Scroll

Elite Scrolls are found as a combat drop and offers a harder combat challenge for the player when the seal is broken. All combat zones drop a scroll, full info can be found here


Dungeons are multiplayer instances containing harder versions of the monsters and a boss. A key is required to enter the dungeon with craftable key pieces found in select zones.

Aberrant Shrimp

Aberrant Shrimp are fought when augmenting a Shrimp Bauble until it breaks. They have 300 HP and drop Shrimp and one of either Shrimp Carapace, Shrimp Greaves, Shrimp Helm, or Shrimp Shell.


Spriggans are fought when Foraging in the Living Forest. They have 75 HP and drop Branches, Logs, Sageberry Bush Seeds, and Elder Tree Seeds.

Greater Demon

Greater Demons are fought when mining in the Deep Pit. They have 89 HP and drop Scrolls, Demonic Trial, Ichor, and Gold Ore.

See also