Gargoyle Falchion

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Gargoyle Falchion
Level Required60 strength
Enchantment Slots6
Attack Speed2.4
Offensive Stats
Crit Chance0.05
Crit Multiplier1.3
Offensive Affinity
Set Bonus
Gargoyle's Gift [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
Increases strength by 3% and melee affinity by 2%.
Aug BonusAug Cost
+3.1 Melee
+4 strength
1 Runite BarRunite Bar
1 Obsidian GlassObsidian Glass
When you research it, you feel a wave of heat. Strange.

Gargoyle Falchion is a slashing melee weapon with an attack speed of 2.40 seconds. It requires level 60 Strength to equip.

How to Acquire

It has a 0.1% (1 in 1000) chance of being created while performing Item Research on an Obsidian Scimitar.

It can also be crafted with level 60 Crafting, requiring 100 Iron, Mithril, and Runite bars, 3 Obsidian Scimitars, and 1000 Infernal Dust.


List of useful Enchantments.

Scrollcrafting Scroll Slot Level Silver Amount Rune Amount Runes CollapseEffect per scroll
Scroll of Weakening Scroll of Weakening Helm, Body, Legs, Shield, Weapon 4 100 20 Air, Fire, Mind Decreases the level requirements of the item by 1.
Scroll of Overhealing Scroll of Overhealing Weapon 11 200 30 Air, Water, Death Heal for 1% of overkill damage on a target.
Scroll of Accuracy Scroll of Accuracy Weapon 28 400 40 Blood, Death, Mind Increases accuracy for all three combat styles by 3% multiplicatively.
Scroll of Critical Strike Scroll of Critical Strike Weapon 52 600 60 Blood, Death, Chaos, Cosmic Increases critical chance and damage multiplier by 2.5%.
Scroll of Endless Ammo Scroll of Endless Ammo Cape, Weapon 29 400 40 Chaos, Nature, Mind Gain a 17% chance to not consume ammo (resulting in 20% more uses from each ammo piece on average). Works on ranged projectiles, melee whetstones, and magic charms.
Scroll of Rune Reserves Scroll of Rune Reserves Cape, Weapon 35 500 50 Water, Chaos, Mind Gain a 33% chance to not consume runes when using abilities (resulting in 50% more ability uses for the same rune cost).

See also