Defenders Pendant

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Defender's Pendant
Level Required60 crafting
60 defense
Enchantment Slots3
EnchantmentsHold the Line
Defensive Stats
Set Bonus
Protective Plates [2, 3, 4]
Increases protection by 8%.
Nigh-Invincibility [6]
Increases protection, resistance, and stamina by 10%. Enhances parries to negate all damage when you parry. Increases threat by 25%. Increases strength of self de/buffs by 2. Increases strength of team de/buffs by 1. Increases enemy de/buffs stacks by 25%.
Aug BonusAug Cost
+1.5 protection
+1.5 resistance
+0.5 stamina
1 Mithril BarMithril Bar
1 Adamantite BarAdamantite Bar
1 Runite BarRunite Bar
1 Bronze BarBronze Bar
1 Iron BarIron Bar
2 Gold BarGold Bar
A pendant fashioned from the cornerstone of a great castle.

A Defenders Pendant is a pendant, pre-enchanted with 3x Hold the Line, it gives the ability Bulwark (Ability) when equipping. It requires level 60 defense and 60 crafting to equip.

It is one of few combat items that require non-combat skills to be equipped.

How to Acquire

It is acquired from the zone Fallen Academy. [Is there more sources?]


List of useful Enchantments.

Scrollcrafting Scroll Slot Level Silver Amount Rune Amount Runes CollapseEffect per scroll

See also